23- Friends

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I finally called the girls via video call. And Namjoon insisted on joining. So the moment the girls said hello, he popped his head and said hi

I could see them trying to contain their inner fangirls

They were all giggly and shy which made me roll my eyes. Namjoon laughing looking at my reaction gave me a kiss on the cheek before letting me continue.

The girls screamed so loud I had to remove my headphones for a minute

"Oh my god she's blushing!"

"She has an actual boyfriend now and it's freaking Kim Namjoon! We should've seen this coming from a mile away!"

"Aish if y'all are gonna get all squealy and annoying I'm gonna cut the call, you all know very well what I'm capable of"

"Yah! We get to do this to you! I thought you were gonna die alone but look where you ended up, with Namjoon no less!"

I can't help but smile at these idiots and their revelations.

We discussed how it was all gonna work out. How I got a job at BigHit now. How I'll be wrapping up my internship and working at the same time for about a month before moving to Korea. How I was gonna pursue my masters on the side.
They wanted to know how the new album was coming along and I played dumb cause the last thing I wanted to do was drop a crucial detail. I showed them some of my pictures with Namjoon and the guys and they started losing it again

"We didn't know you'd be this cute!"

"We should've found her a boyfriend earlier. But I guess it's better we didn't after all!"

"I think most of the ARMY have figured it out though. Everyone was like it doesn't make sense that a creative dev. team member would go out for dinner with Namjoon"

"Yeah... Have you been on the socials?"

"No, not really... Is it really ugly out there?"

"It's not that bad, but I'm guessing you must be getting a fair share of shit from people. The sensible ARMYs are trying to calm the rest down, and the ones who want to believe the report are holding on to false hopes."

"They're handling it wayy better than we had expected. But there's always a few of them out to kill"

"Yeah..." I sigh

I doubt any of this would really calm down soon.

"There is a lot of speculation everywhere. The reporters are digging everywhere for information on you, but I think BigHit is doing a good job of hiding it all"

I let out a sigh of relief. The last thing I need right now is my family having to bear the brunt of this.
My family

"Did they find out yet?"

"Well they don't know yet since your parents don't really keep up with kpop news anyway. But they might come to know soon since the news sites have already name checked you"

I'll need to explain everything to them soon. About how I'll be moving, of all the places, to South Korea.

We chat for a while about this and that before saying our goodbyes and I  make my way down for dinner.


We all end up playing mario kart and singing karaoke late into the night before deciding to crash.
I take a bath and slip under the covers with my laptop, intending to finish up on a project,when I hear a knock on the door.
I open it to see Namjoon standing outside

"Umm Anna... well this is awkward.."

"What is it?"

"Well umm Jin hyung kicked me out of our room once he heard that you work for most part of the night. He said I had to make sure you sleep"

Namjoon's POV

That was totally not what hyung said.

"Yah! What do you mean you've not slept with her?!"

"I mean we haven't shared a bed yet what's the big deal"

Yoongi snorted "you both had basically moved in together and you didn't take the chance to share a room?"

"No? Is it important?"

"Well I declare that you're not sleeping with me here tonight! Yoongi, help me push this guy out"

"Oh my god what am I supposed to tell her?!" I protest as they push me out of the room

"Make something up!" Jin says as he closes the door on my face.

It took me an hour to come up with a reason that moderately made sense.

And thank the gods that she had actually planned to work that night.

She blinks before opening the door to let me in.

Your POV

I let him in, thinking that I could sleep on the sofa for the night, no big deal.

I forgot one crucial detail as the door clicked in place.

There was no sofa in this room

Well then I guess that's that.

He walks in behind me hesitantly, and sits on the other side of the bed as I pick up my laptop again, this time to shut it down. He waits patiently and looks at me with a smile when I finally close it.

It's only sleeping. What's the big deal?

"Here-" he says as he made a wall in between using the pillows " that way, it can't get too weird can it" I chuckle.

We're supposed to be dating and this situation was just hilarious.

I switch off the lights as he reaches out to hold my hand over the wall. I take it and try to sleep, trying to not think too much about it. Eventually the darkness envelopes me.

Namjoon's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night cause the AC was too cold. Looking over at her,she had compacted herself into a tight ball to keep warm, half buried under the blanket. Without thinking I removed some of the pillows and hugged her, and she relaxed and before I knew it I passed out again.


I woke up to her snuggled in the crook of my neck. I think she felt me wake up cause she drowsily opened her eyes, which led to them being filled with confusion, then understanding as she tried to pull away. I held her in place though and she just looked at me, relenting and letting herself be wrapped by me.

"Goodmorning~" I whisper as we sit up straighter as we're hugging

"Goodmorning" she says, smiling


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