3- Peculiar behaviour

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It's was 1:30 in the afternoon. I had forced myself to stay there and continue drawing.

But I was shivering.
Out of sheer excitement.

I had just met Kim Namjoon! Namjoon! Well not met him but had eye contact! I took a shaky breath.

Eww. So not me. Get it together girl

So I waited till I could compose myself, before making my way to this restaurant called 'Bastard' where I had finally managed to make a reservation.

I definitely needed something to get my mind off of this.

It didn't mean anything . But it was nice.
I sighed and got on my trusty bike.

Food is always a good distraction.

Namjoon's POV

A couple of months back

"Malmö Sweden? Why? What? What even?" Asked Yoongi.

I was in his studio and I just told him my plans for the break.

"I don't know? I wanted a cool place where I hope not a lot of people will bother me. A Nordic country sounded nice. Maybe I could see the Northern lights." I said as I leaned against his desk.

"You do realise the northern lights are only visible from August to April? You're going there smack middle of July."

"Ahh then I'll just go there to get lost. Maybe read a bit."

"You don't need to go halfway around the world to read a NOVEL. Give me a good reason why you're going there, cause this is as random as random gets"

"I don't know? It seemed like a cool place to visit. And I want to travel, you know?"

"See, now THAT'S a reason. I know it isn't concrete but it works for me since I really don't care. Do whatever you want man, it's your life. Thanks for letting me know."

"Whaa-, why-, I-"  I sighed  "I really don't get you sometimes, you know that?"

"Nobody gets me sometimes, it's the part of the charm." Yoongi winks, a sly smile on his face.

"Don't get started on your charm, I get enough of that from Jin hyung."

"Got anything else to tell me? I'm working on something here and I'm pretty close to finishing up for the day... Do you mind clearing out?"

"Actually no not really. That's about it. So you're going back home eh?"

"Probably. I haven't really decided yet. Might just hop on a flight and go to Rome or something you never know with me. But right now, yup, just going home"

"Cool. Cool. Well then, you were the last person I had to tell. I'll get back to booking everything then. See ya later!"

"Bye! Now get out! Music doesn't write itself and you know that better than anyone."

He slowly urges me out of his studio and locks the door.

"I don't think I'll completely understand him. Ever" I say to myself

"You don't have to!" Came a muffled reply

Man does he have sharp ears.

Present day

I walked on the cobblestone path that circled around the park I'd come to frequent in my five days here. Mask on, a scarf, and a coat, I thought I blended in pretty well.

Not a lot of people approached me but then again I think not a lot of people recognised me.

That's good.

"What a beautiful day to be alive" I whisper to myself as I look at the sky.
Then I look at the tree with the white flowers. I'd been trying to figure out which tree it was but could come up with nothing. That was annoying. But hey at least I got to observe it in its full glory.

And then I looked at the bench, which was usually empty. Not a lot of people visited this park.

But it had a person.

A girl

With complexion the colour of caramel
Wearing glasses, headphones and a hoodie with a coat.

In the middle of a sketching session I presume.

That hoodie was definitely a love yourself hoodie.
That was definitely a RJ keychain and BT21 pins on her otherwise black bag pack.


I smiled and nodded at her, and she smiled back.

Recognition clear on her face.

She didn't get up for an autograph or a picture though.
Instead she looked down and continued drawing.


Were her cheeks flushed or was it just me?

I continued walking
hoping nobody noticed
That my ears had turned a noticable shade of red too...

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