Chapter 35

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About the one-shots:
Basically, it's a short story you would write using characters from this story (Secret Wings).
I haven't written down all the rules yet, so you'll probably get them and the prompt next chapter. :)

Chapter 35

We had been flying for a while now, having paused only for a lunch break, and the sky was starting to darken, casting a shadow on the fields below us.

I was feeling the effects of our short nigh and beginning to tire. The pace of the group had slowed, and even Aiden had fallen quiet, indicating I was not the only one in this case.

"Guys, start flying lower. According to the map we should fly over a small village soon." Chase said.

Sure enough, a cluster of houses soon appeared.

We flew down to the first house, which had a large barn to its side.

Chase knocked on the door, which was opened by an amiable-looking man.

"Hello, sir, sorry to bother you so late," Chase greeted him politely. "My friends and I are traveling, and we were wondering if you would be so kind as to allow us to spend the night in your barn."

The farmer took in Aiden's and my bows and Chase's sword.

"Are you part of the army? Junior Troops, most likely?"

Chase nodded. "Yes, sir, we are."

The man smiled. "My younger brother was in there, once. He's a medic, now, too."

He looked at us a moment longer, and nodded. "Y'all seem like good kids. I'll show you where we store the fresh straw. It's as comfortable as any bed."

"Thank you so much," Autumn smiled.

While the farmer led us towards the barn, I dug my hand into my jean pocket, tired of whatever was in there digging into my thigh when I walked.

I looked at the torn, crumbled gift paper, and remembered: it was the gift from my grandmother. For once, my habit of stashing things into my jean pockets had been useful. If I hadn't put it there, I would have forgotten it at the castle.

"What's that?" Aiden looked at it curiously.

I shrugged. "A present from my grandmother. The king gave it to me for her before he left last night."

I carefully teared open the rest of the package to reveal a rectangular leather pouch. I opened it and looked at the object inside quizzically.

"Is that... A swiss army knife?"

"Cool," Aiden admired. "My Granny only ever gives me socks or cookies. Not that cookies aren't awesome, but you know what I mean."

I pulled a blade open, then another. A pair of scissors, then a small knife. The next one was slightly unusual for a swiss army knife: a miniature key.

"I'm getting sick of these keys already," I grumbled. I already had one hanging around my neck, I didn't need another.

"Open another one," Aiden prompted.

"What is that?" Chase joined the conversation. "Oh, that's useful! Where did you get it?"

"It's a present from my grandma."

"She means the queen." Aiden supplied.

Chase raised an eyebrow. "Uh... The queen's not really in shape to give anyone presents, to the best of my knowledge."

"She gave it to Hailey through the king, stupid."

"You said something, guy who once thought that pineapples came from pine trees?"

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