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derek had gotten scott to deaton and called the others saying it was okay. selene could've gone home that night relieved but instead was dragged into driving matt and allison home, considering mr. argent had taken her car. nicholas had driven erica and isaac back to the railway depot and stiles had gone home on his own. selene sat at the front of the car with matt, and allison in the backseat.

"so, about that incredibly bad idea i had..." matt started as he turned to allison in the backseat, selene scrunched her eyebrows confused.

"you mean, the kiss?" allison said causing selene to abruptly stop the car a few houses away from matts. the witch turned to them with wide eyes.

"don't worry about it" allison said to selene and matt waving it off knowing selene would want to know what the hell happened.

"for real?" matt asked as he turned to allison with an appreciative smile.

"definitely" allison nodded obviously not wanting to speak about it. the silence was interrupted by allison phone ringing, she signalled to the others to wait as she got out of the car to talk to her dad.

"so, what's going on with you and lahey? are you guys-you guys together, or-or what?" matt asked selene gaining confidence remembering how he had seen them running around the rave together.

"god no, nothings going on. not really..." selene said slightly smiling as she looked down at the steering wheel confusing herself. not noticing it looked like something was going on between the two.

"not really. god, I hate "not really's." you never know what to do with "not really." he said chuckling nervously as selene silently prayed allison would hurry up.

allison was finishing up the call to her dad but was able to hear everything going on in the car, the girl decided she'd let matt finish whatever he was trying to do before getting selene out of the awkward situation

"what about complicated?" selene asked finally looking matt in the eye, not knowing how to describe her situation and wanting the boy to stop asking.

"not really" they both laughed "but i'll try" matt said quietly as he grabbed selene's hand squeezing it, she slowly pulled it away laughing softly.

the boy opened the car door exiting as selene let out a breath of relief and leaned her head against the seat. the girl noticed her window looking foggy and blew on it fogging it up before wiping it and sitting back again. she noticed matt had left his camera bag on the floor and picked it up going through the photos on it smiling as she saw the lacrosse team, however her smile faded as she noticed pictures of herself she didn't know were being taken. she began to grow more freaked out as she noticed some were from her bedroom when she was asleep.

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