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Name: Y/n L/n

Background: Y/n grew up in Miami, Florida. Both of his parents were naval commanders from Azur Lane. He was a bit introverted, but had a normal childhood. No bullies and while also making some friends. But that normal life change quickly when he was 12, the sirens appeared.

Miami was one of the first cities that got attacked by the sirens, the reason was simple. There were a lot of bases in the area, the sirens destroyed all of them, killing and wounding many commanders and shipgirls in the process. Some people were never found again, among those missing were Y/n's parents. Both Y/n and his sister Alice were devastated by the news, but they didn't give up on life. Inside of them there was still hope that their parents somehow made it out alive. For the next few years Alice took care of her little brother. At the age of 18 Y/n got a letter from the government asking if he wanted to join Azur Lane, hesitant at first but gave in after his sister convinced him it was the right thing to do. Shortly after Y/n left his home to go to his new job

His shipboy form is based on the German Destroyer: Zerstörer 1945
In ship form it has a length of 125,5 meters and a beam (width of the ship at it's widest point) of 12 meters. It's 4 Wagner-Deschimag steam boilers allowed it to reach speeds of 39.5 knots at a full load (73,2 km/h or 45,5 mph)

Rarity: ultra rare

Armament: 4 dual 12,8cm L/45 C/41 turrets (2 on the fore and 2 on the aft), 4 x 5,5cm L/76,5 AA guns, 12 x 3cm L/66,6 M-44 AA, 2 x quadruple 21 inch (53,3cm) torpedo tubes and 100 mines as well

Rigging design: the rigging is similar in design to Z46 and Z1, 2 shark heads placed above eachother on each side of Y/n's hip. When out of combat the sharks mouths close hiding the 4 dual 12,8cm guns that are inside. Often at the start at the battle the mouths are closed as well to surprise the enemy. The heads are mostly light gray, but from the middle slowly turn a darker shade of gray. The tip of noses are completely black. The torpedo tubes are mounted sideways on the 2 bottom shark heads. The AA guns are scattered around the rigging, some on his hip others on the shark heads. The mines are strapped to his back, but can be taken off and used as a handheld weapon, it shoots 5 small mines before needing to reload it's magazine. This reload takes 1 minute.

Skills (max level):
1. Stages of war, Y/n's shipboy form has 3 stages of attacking and can switch between them in any order.
Stage 1 buffs his firepower, torps and evasion by 30%, it also changes his shell type to HE. Stage 1 is mainly used to fight enemy DD's, CL's and Subs if they resurface.
Stage 2 decreases the damage Y/n takes from BB's, BC's, BM's and CA's by 30% while also buffing his torps and evasion by 40% and changing his shell type to AP. This stage is mainly used to fight CA's, BB's, BC's and BM's
Stage 3 buffs the firepower and AA of Y/n by 40% and changes the shell type to HE. This stage is mainly used to fight CV's and CVL's

2. Aerial Annihilation, 20% chance to completely counter an enemy airstrike. Takes 10 minutes to recharge.

3. Sacrifice, when Y/n's HP is lower then 5% instantly heals back to 100%, but sacrifices a random weapon. Torpedoes are sacrificed per tube, so when the ability activates and chooses the torps as sacrifice Y/n will be left with 7 torpedo tubes instead of 8. This ability can only activate 5 times per battle and when the battle is over the sacrificed weapons return to their original place

Firepower: A

I wanted to put in a picture of your looks, but for some reason Wattpad didn't let me. At least the picture of Zerstörer 1945 works.

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