Chapter 3. A betrayal to remember

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(H/C)= your hair color
(E/C)= your eye color

And again a gore warning for the ending of the chapter

12oo hours, Fleet Admiral Johnson's naval base (Kaga's P.O.V.)

It's been hours since the rescue fleet picked me up from just north of the Bahamas, the trip back was silent. Only the sounds of the ocean and the occasional seagull could be heard. Shoukaku and Zuikaku were happy to see me, but the sight of Taihou and Akagi just floating there quickly soured the once happy atmosphere. The water around them was murky due to the blood seeping out of their wounds, an awful smell filled the area shortly after Fleet Admiral Johnson send a rescue fleet. The awful smell was still present in my mind, as if it was engraved into my mind for me to remember until I met my end. "Kaga we're here, nya" Akashi said, I nodded slowly and walked onto the docks, heading to the infirmary. Zuikaku and Shoukaku gave me some support since I was still a bit wobbly with my steps. I sighed 'at least my wounds aren't severe, I should be out and about in a week or so' I passed several others while on my way to the infirmary. Atago and Takao looked at me with pity, others looked sad as well. Our Fleet Admiral was sitting on a bench one of the small parks this naval base has, you could see his empty look from a mile away. He probably isn't faring much better than me with the loss of Akagi and Taihou to that vile Nagato, she will pay for what she has done and her little commander of her will pay as well. Why was he even given a chance at being a commander at Azur Lane, he's a kid for crying out loud.

To Y/N who just arrived at the naval base (1300 hours, Y/N's P.O.V)

I was worried, Nagato and the others haven't returned yet. Their mission shouldn't have take more than 8 hours, yet it has been more than 15 hours since they left. What happened to them? Are they okay? Hopefully the fleet I sent out a few hours ago will help answer those question. I splashed my face with some water and looked into the mirror of the bathroom stalls, tidying up my (H/C) hair a bit, making sure I looked presentable. At least I don't look as disheveled as in the morning, I looked at my phone to check the time, "30 minutes until the meeting" I mumbled to myself, i picked up my suitcase with papers, maps and pictures of siren activity in the area and exited the bathroom stalls. As I exited them I could feel the strangle glares again, i got them earlier as well when I entered the naval base, even the guards at the entrance were glaring at me, not bothering to say hello or check my suitcase. Makes me wonder what pay they're getting from the Fleet Admiral if they're being so rude and lazy, i decided to pay the looks of hatred and glares I got no mind and calmly headed over to the direction of the Fleet Admiral's living quarters, it was decided to have the meeting happen there since it was the most quiet area of the base. It also had a nice view being right next to the docks, hopefully I can get a good seat so in case of it being boring, which is most likely gonna happen, I can look outside at the open ocean and not fall asleep. I sighed as the living quarters came in view, these meeting are always boring. Let's hope this one is more eventful.

To the Fleet Admiral (his P.O.V.)

"There is the son of a bitch" I said to myself as I saw (Y/N) walk up to my living quarters, "I must admit he has guts for showing up after what he did, not only did he blow up my 2 girls and severely wounded a third, he's also working with the damn sirens. Oh he's gonna pay for the things he did!" My voice was still a bit hoarse from earlier, I drank some more of Belfast exceptional tea to combat the soreness. How lovely to have such a beautiful and great maid serve me, I put the cup down and relaxed into my chair awaiting the arrival of the commander's so we could begin the 'meeting'. Shortly after the door to my office opened and (Y/N) as well as a few others walked in, a few minutes later Ryan, Brian and Kyle joined us "late as usual" I said while pinching the bridge of my nose in irritation. The three of them looked sheepishly before sitting down.

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