operation fireworks 2.0

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flashback to the meeting at Claire's cafe

"So, what do you guys think? "
Jennie, Lisa and Chaeyoung were still on the rooftop.
Chaeyoung had just finished sharing her idea for the confession plan at the campsite.
"Loved it. "Jennie exclaimed, draining the lemonade from her cup.
"It's great. "Lisa admitted. "Not cheesy and not too simple. "She ate her third powdered donut. "Any ideas for the next plans? "
Lisa asked.
Jennie put down her glass of lemonade. "Next plans? "
"Yes. Backup plans. "Lisa answered slowly as if Jennie was a little toddler who couldn't understand what she was saying.
"Lisa's right." Chaeyoung chimed in.
"I don't think anything could go wrong with-"
"Operation Tent Surprise. "
The interruption by the red-haired girl caused questioning looks from Lisa and Jennie.
"We should call it that. What? I have been into spy movies lately. "Chaeyoung said defensively.
"Okay, okay. Like I was saying I don't think anything could go wrong with the plan-I mean- Operation Tent Surprise. "
Chaeyoung groaned. "Jennie, Jennie, Jennie. If there is anything that spy movies taught me is that you always-always- need backup plans. "
Chaeyoung stated firmly and had even took out the straw from her milkshake and pointed it at Jennie a few times when she emphasized the word "always" and "need".
Jennie wiped off the droplets of milkshake that landed on her face. "I get your point, Chaeng. Then I guess we could use that idea I-"
"No, I just thought of a better idea. "This time it was Lisa who interrupted her. Lisa leaned forward and places her elbows on the round table. "Trust me, it's better than the idea you were just about to say. "
"You don't even know what I was going to say! "
"Yes, I do. You already told us all your ideas. But what I had in mind is more.... breathtaking. "
Jennie rolled her eyes. "Then tell us your grand, majestic plan. "
"With pleasure. "Lisa grinned. "Here's what I was thinking. A message in the sky. We'll make the fireworks from Rayston spell out what you wanna say. "
"Wait, we can do that? "
"Of course. "Lisa answered confidently. "You can place orders for.... personal fireworks.My uncle says a lot of people do that for anniversary surprises and birthdays.They can make the fireworks spell out words. "
Chaeyoung clapped with full excitement. "That's amazing! Jen, you should definitely do that!"
"It will be preferable if you can decide now. The sooner we place an order the better. "Lisa warned.
"Okay, okay. Let's place an order. "Jennie quickly replied.
"Great. And what words do you want the sky to be lit with? How about this popularly used, simple 'I love you' phrase? "Lisa suggested.
"Don't they say I love you after... being toget-
her?" Chaeyoung asked timidly.
"Oh please, Chaeng. Jennie loves Jisoo. She loves every thing about her, including her flaws. She once said that even when Jisoo is doing something simple like dancing ridiculously and cracking up, she finds it cute and smiled for no reason. Her heart flutters every time Jisoo hugs her. Jennie thinks Jisoo is the prettiest girl even when Jsioo is wearing pajamas.So, yeah. I think 'I love you' phrase is the one we should use. "
Chaeyoung held out her palms. "Whoa, okay. Sorry I asked. "
Lisa bit her lips sheepishly. "Sorry... I might have gone overboard with the explanation."


"Hi, is this Rayston Fireworks Inc? "Jennie said to the phone pressed to her ears.
"Yes. " A deep voice answered the phone.
"I'm Jennie Kim. I placed an order for personalized fireworks for tonight's show. " she reminded.

"Ah, yes. I see your name here on the customer list, Miss Jennie Kim. " The voice said with recognition.
Jennie leaned against the minivan. She was outside the motel to ensure Jisoo won't hear her private conversation.

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