brief separation

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"It's not the money that I care about! You said the orders were okay! "
Jennie exclaimed angrily. She glared at the short, fat man in the Office Booth and crossed her arms.

"I know, Miss Kim. But as I explained earlier, there was a-"
Jennie waved him off. "Yeah, yeah. I know. How can you even not know the amount of fireworks you will need? The first two people got their orders displayed! Why was mine canceled? "

She had raised her voice again and she didn't cared about the odd looks she received from strangers who passed by. She was indignant because her second plan had failed.

"The first two people ordered first. " the man answered patiently.
"You have got to be kidding me."Jennie muttered, kicking the pebbles near her feet.

"Here's your refund. We are terribly sorry. "
The man slid the cash, that Jennie paid before the show,on the counter. Jennie didn't even bothered checking if it was the right amount. She just grabbed the money and clenched them in her fist because the dress she was wearing didn't contained any pockets.

She was about to return to Jisoo when something caught her eye behind the man. It was three stacked brown cardboard boxes and each box was labelled with the word "firework" in sloppy handwriting.

Jennie squinted her eyes with suspiciousion. "What about those? " she asked, pointing with her index finger.

"Oh, er... Those are the fireworks for the upcoming show on the next day. " the man replied hesitantly.

"Wait, you are telling me you actually have fireworks left? I thought you guys ran out supplies or something! "Jennie exclaimed, the anger coming back little by little.

"We ran out of supplies for today. "
"You couldn't even spare one little firework for my order!? Look. "Jennie gestured furiously to the stacked boxes. "You have a lot of them left! "

"We are under specific orders not to use those. I am very sorry. "
"Come on! Please! Just one damn fireworks. You don't understand how important this is to me."A mixture of desperation and demand mingling together as she said the words.

"Whoa, Gabe. What's the trouble here? "
Jennie spun around to see two men with police uniforms strolling toward the booth.

"You called the cops!? " she asked in disbelief.
"No, I didn't! " Gabe answered hastily. Gabe then walked out of the booth, facing the two newest visitors.

"Bart. Larry. What are you doing here? Aren't you two on duty? "

The cop who looked like he spent every second at the gym shook his head. "Nah, me and Larry here are off duty for today. Thought you would like to join us at the bar. "

"What's the problem with the young lady, Gabe?"Larry asked with an amused smile. 


Jennie flinched so badly and she was briefly wondered why the fireworks was starting again until her brain registered where the sound came from.

Was it a -

"Shit! Gabe, call the other cops. Larry, come on. "

Jennie just stood there, her feet rooted to the platform, as she watched the two cops took off running.

A horde of people scampering out from the park made her broke out of her shock and she sprinted to the direction of the cops.

It was impossible to shove through the crowd to enter the entrance.

Someone gripped her arm in a painful way and tugged her back. The assault was unexpected that she almost fell down on her butt.

"What do you think you're doing? "It was Larry. The earlier playfulness and carefree look had vanished and Larry looked so serious, even looking a little threatening especially with the gun in his left hand.

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