Chapter 2

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Waking up is the hardest thing to do, especially after waking up late for three months. Half an hour ago I was awakened by my very annoying and loud alarm, since then I've just been laying here staring at my ceiling. Eventually I get up and walk over to my en suite and take a long warm shower, by the time I'm done I know I'm late but it's the first day, kids come in late all the time. I grab a pair of jeans and pair it with a random crop top, grab my sneakers and throw my hair into a messy bun. Then I grab my bag and then run down the stairs.By the time I get to the kitchen everyone except my dad is already at the table.

"Hey guys." I say with a small smile before grabbing a granola bar. Tommy replies but my mom just stares at me wide eyed.

"What's wrong ma?" I ask

"Is that all your going to eat?" she asks referring to the granola bar.


"But it's not healthy. You need energy for school, so sit and eat."

"Ma, Daphne's picking me up and I'm already late." I reply in the politest way possible.

"Where's dad?" I ask.

"Oh, he left early for work." My mom opens her mouth obviously about to tell me to sit and eat, then we hear a car honk, Daphne.

"She's here mom" I say before running out.

"BYEEEEEE TOMMMMMMMYYYYYY" I scream out when I get to the door. I don't even wait to listen to his answer. I slam the door and run over to Daphne's car. Daphne is one of my best friends. We met during our freshman year, and since then we have been friends. I open the door and slide into the passengers seat.

"Hey" I greet a messy looking Daphne.

"Hey" she responds. She's wearing leggings and an oversized shirt and her dark brown hair with highlights is in a big messy braid at the back of her head and her side bangs are laying flat on her head. Just one look at her and I can tell she didn't get enough sleep last night.

"How are you?" I ask cautiously. She's not the best person to talk to when she didn't get her sleep.

"I'm fine." she responds more like snarls.

"Okay." I really don't know how to deal with her when she's mad so I just keep quite, and eventually we pull up into the schools parking lot. I open the car door and walk out of the car, Daphne does the same. We walk into the familiar school beside each other. Kids are at their lockers with their friends, catching up and telling stories about what they did over the summer. Immediately I spot May and Melissa at their lockers, arguing. Probably about something stupid. We finally get to our lockers that next to each others. Yes we are late but on the first day no one really cares about getting to class early so they just stand around and talk to each other until it's time for us to have our beginning of year assembly"

"Hey" I greet.

They both respond with hi's and continue on with their argument. May is wearing jeans, an oversized shirt, her black curly hair is open and stops at the middle of her back and she's wearing her adidas. Melissa is wearing a jean skirt that shows of her long tan legs, a tight red crop top, her wavy blonde hair is also open and goes a little past her shoulders. My friends are so pretty, sometimes I just feel like I don't belong.

Daphne with her long light brown hair with highlights and side bangs, hazel eyes, thin pink lips and a short nose. May with her black very curly hair that stops at her mid-back, brown eyes pouty pink lips and a long thin nose and her light mixed skin color. Melissa with her wavy blonde hair that goes a little past her shoulders, her crystal blue eyes, plump pink lips and her button up nose. I'm not saying I'm ugly with my chocolate brown eyes, wavy dark brown hair that goes up to my waist, pouty pink lips and pointed nose. But these guys sometimes make me feel like I don't belong here with them, especially Melissa with her mean comments, I'm used to them though.

"Are you listening?" I'm pulled out of my train of thought by May who is snapping her fingers right in front of my face.

"Huh?What were you guys saying?" I ask and they just roll their eyes.

"We asked to see your schedule." Daphne tells me. Oh, I rummage through my bag until I find my schedule. I hold it out and Melissa snatches it from my hand to compare it to the other three she has in her hands. Me and May start talking while Daphne just scrolls through her phone. After a while Melissa speaks up.

"We have only a few classes together" she begins " Me, May and Daphne have physics together, Ava and Daphne have History, Math and English together, Me and May have Math, History and English together. Then we all have Economics and Gym together. And we have the same lunch" She finishes off. We nod our heads and head off to the assembly hall. Every beginning of the year we have a big assembly with our principal Mr.Biggs, that's his name for real. The assembly is basically an excuse to lecture us about our behavior and bla bla bla. It usually lasts about 3 hours so I can take a nap.

We get there and take our seats, then the lecture begins.


The assembly ended an hour ago, it's always the same thing. Biggs talks a lot and kids sleep, we're used to it. Now we're in the cafeteria eating our lunches and talking about our summer. Daphne is back to normal. She's laughing and cracking jokes. The old Daph is back.
"Where's Shawn?" May suddenly asks while wiggling her eyebrows.

"I don't know. Where's Alejandro?" I shout back. In case your wondering Alejandro is May's boyfriend and Shawn is my boyfriend.

"I don't know." She says and pouts.

"I guess they didn't come. We'll see them tomorrow, don't worry." I say

"What are you wearing?" Melissa chimes in. I turn my head to look at her and she gives me the look that says she's been thinking that since she saw me this morning.

"A top and jeans.What do you think it is?" I ask her.

"It's too basic. Why would you wear that?"

"Stop being judgy Melissa" May and Daphne say at the same time. This happens a lot when Mel makes mean comments like that.

"Fine. I was just stating my opinion. Sorry." She says with an eyeroll. Daphne looks at me and I nod my head as if to say it's fine. I'm used to it every single day she says something, my mom doesn't like her at all for that same reason. At first I would get mad but now I just don't care. May and Melissa start their usual bickering while me and Daphne have our own sane conversation.

Melissa and I were best friends in middle school. We did everything together, but once we got to high school we drifted apart and she just started acting all mean towards me but like I said I couldn't care less. I have Daphne and May with me.


Hey guys,
Here's chapter 2. What do you think?
Please tell me if I made a mistake.
This is the longest chapter I've ever written (1332 words)
I wanted you to meet her friends. How do you like them?
What do you think about Daphne and Melissa?
To be honest I like and Daphne and she's my favorite.
In the next chapter you'll be meeting another special someone.
Thank you for reading
Love, Sapph

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