Different Start, Same Story

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Uraraka's POV:

I heard my parents fighting about money, like they do every night. I know that they are struggling, I'm six not stupid. I can help them, my quirk would save them so much money. I walk over to their room "Mommy, Daddy, I want to work for you." I say.

"You want to work for us?" My dad asks. My mom was smiling.

"Yeah! When I get big, I'll help you and Mommy."

"I appreciate the thought, Ochaco, but as your dad, I'd be even happier if you achieve your dreams" My dad said. I hugged him and from that moment I decided I wanted to become a hero. I would whatever it takes to help my Mommy and Daddy.

*Time Skip*

I trained really hard throughout middle school and soon it was the UA entry exams. UA is the best hero school in the country. I don't know if I am good enough to get in but I won't know unless I try.  I walked through the gigantic gates and saw the school. It was huge and looked like it was made of glass. As I was walked towards the building a little plain looking boy tripped over what looked like his own feet. I used my quirk to prevent him from falling, "Heh. Are you ok?" He started to freak out and I helped him up. "I stopped you with my quirk. Sorry I didn't ask first, but I didn't think you would mind me catching you." He was just staring so I just kept talking, "Isn't this like all way nerve-racking" He just was stuttering. "Well I guess I'll see you inside." I walk into the huge front doors and follow everyone into a huge auditorium. The plain boy from before got yelled at by one of my soon to be classmate. We took the written exam and I killed it. 

We arrived at huge gates, just on the other side my chance to prove that I can be a hero. The gates open and we all set off. The exam was not super difficult other than a slightly upset stomach. We were nearing the end of the exam and one of the zero pointers came walking into view and everyone started to run away. I got pinned under the debris of a destroyed robot. I see the outline of someone through the dust he was looking right at me, "HELP ME!!!" I screamed. 

"I-I'm sorry.... I - I just need one point." The silhouette ran away. I used the last of my power to lift the bot and ran as fast as I could and then the I heard "The UA entrance exams end now." and I looked behind me and I saw that the giant zero pointer stopped.

(The year pretty much went like it did in the anime, except without Deku.)

I started to have a crush on Bakugou and I know that he felt the same way. He asked me out right before our second year. We started dating and I couldn't be more in love. We went on dates and we a regular couple except we decided to keep our relationship a secret, from everyone outside UA, because we wanted to keep each other safe. After about five years, Katsuki started to insist that we go public. He was the #1 hero and I was the #3. I never knew way he all of a sudden wanted to go public, but I was not complaining. I love him and I want the world to know it. 

We had gained quite the following since graduating UA. My classmates and I took over the Top Ten list within a year. We were the change the world needed, the fresh blood. While crimes rates were down, we still didn't have a symbol, not like All Might. He retired during our first year and left a void. We have been doing our best to fill it but it is difficult. My old classmates think that if me and Katsuki tell the world about our relationship, we might be able to become their symbol as a duo. I think it is worth a shot, we need to bring hope especially with the raise of a new vigilante, the Ghost. 

I decided that what everyone needed was a party. Katsuki agreed that it would be at this party that we would announce our relationship, to the world and I set up an interview with the news segment, Hero Watch, for the following day to further explain the details. 

Katsuki went on patrol before the party. It was my day off so I was helping set it up. I gave Katsuki as kiss, "Be careful, alright honey, I don't want you dying before tonight." Katsuki and I both chuckled.

"When am I not careful?" He asked with a smirk

"Ah ha. Yeah always so careful. Just know I will be pissed if I have to come and save you again."


"The Shark Villain, the Hypnotist, the Clown, The Seducer, I can name more." 

"NO! No, It's fine. I will be careful. See you tonight." He left. 

*Time Skip*

At the Party, a plain looking boy about our age walked in. He looked slightly familiar but I didn't worry about it. He went over to Katsuki and said something to set him off, I couldn't hear it. He make an explosion in his face and I need to step in. "Katsuki Bakugou! What are you doing!?"

"He is just a worthless Deku." There was a hate in his eyes I have never seen before. 

"No one is worthless we are heroes we protect people, we don't bully them" He looked at me and then at everyone standing around us who was staring and walked away.

"Are you ok?" I went over to the boy and he just simply nodded, he left after that. I felt really bad for what Katsuki did to that poor boy. Where did I know him from? It doesn't matter, I will never see him again.

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