After Party...

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Deku's POV:

I walked around the party wondering how people could be so different and yet the same... I went to the party to gain more information on rising heroes and their standings. These were my orders from the League of Villains or LOV.

I noticed that there were hundreds of heroes here from newbies to well-known heroes that everyone "knows and loves", or so they say. Ugh, why am I who has to be here? Why couldn't they have sent someone else?

I saw Kacchan- No Katsuki Bakugou talking to other heroes and my blood boiled. I changed my course towards him to "chitchat" and see if he remembers me.

I walked confidently over to Bakugou and said, "Hey Kacchan, Long time no see? What it like to be #1 after telling someone to swan-dive off a building for being like me?"

Katsuki froze and tensed up. He spun on his heel and starts to use his quirk on me as usual as he loses to his temper. I hear shouts of surprise and hear someone yelling at Katsuki as he is about to blast me off the face of the earth. One of the newer heroes like Kacchan - I mean Katsuki, oh I give up - stopped him and says, "Katsuki Bakugou! What are you doing!?"

"He is just a worthless Deku." There was a hate in his eyes that I have seen before.

"No one is worthless we are heroes we protect people, we don't bully them" He looked at this girl and then at everyone standing around us who was staring and walked away. It shocked that Kacchan would give up that easily to anyone. So, who is she to him?? It doesn't matter, I will never see her again.

"Are you ok?" She says as she came over to me and I just simply nodded, I left after that because I had nothing to say after this whole situation. 

I muttered to myself as soon as I was far enough that no one could hear me, "Why are you so different? Why are you so familiar?"

I soon realized that she was the #3 Pro-Hero on the ratings, Uraraka Ochako. I was saved by a hero. A villain saved by Heroes... GREAT... what a story to tell later...

                 *************Skip to couple days later***************

I watched the news and checked the information given to me about all of the students at UA High and recently popular heroes. I was told to take care of some of the heroes who weren't showing the true signs of justice to everyone.

That meant that heroes should be afraid... or that was the idea to scare them into the mold of society made by "villains". What if I told you that not everything is black and white as right and wrong? There is so much gray that I question why some of the laws still exist or why they even try anymore sometimes...

What the truth of the world? Not all men are created equal. Not all of us are gifted at birth. None of us are perfect. However, who tells us what we can become? We are the ones who create our story, not the bullies or the law-makers.... us.

So the ones who are broken or "damaged" by society tend to band together because when it comes to the core, we all just want to belong to someone or something.

I heard a banging on the door of my "room" here at the LOV's hideout in the back of an abandoned bar for criminals/citizens. I sigh frustrated. I ran a hand their my messy green hair and stood to answer the door to see Toga, "Yes? New mission or are you just here to annoy me again?"

Toga smiled and said, "Handyman wanted you to go on patrol again! So, he said to come to see you and I missed you~"

I winced and hid it with a smile, "ok, fine. let me get dressed and I'll be there in a sec." I spun into my room and slammed the door shut before Toga could get in. I immediately locked the door and I heard her complaining about doors being locked so She couldn't see me change.

I rolled my eyes. She keeps getting more and more clingy the more I have to go somewhere. I think she's starting to become obsessed with me and it is honestly getting on my nerves. I have told her off many times but it doesn't always work my way.

I got changed from my lazy outfit from hanging at the LOV due to nothing today so far. Well, now I have missions to do. Thanks for nothing, "HandyMan". I changed into a casual version of my villain outfit that was close enough that I just say that I liked the colors.

My outfit wasn't finalized yet so it kept changing anyway. All the heroes knew, is that GHOST was like is that they wear black and green. GHOST also is a male, no known age, and no one knows what he looks like under the hood.

So, I was in the clear for now... I smirked at Toga as I walked out. I grabbed a pocket knife off the counter and my wallet that I attached my belt so I won't lose it. I looked up at Kurogiri and waved as I left. He yells to be safe and I just nodded.

As I got closer to town, I tried to keep my hood down but I always felt better with my hood up. SO, I slid it up and continued on. I was keeping notes mentally on everything I could see because I have a great memory. In the distance, coming closer, was the girl that I met briefly at the hero convention party. Her name was Uraraka Ochako, right?

I walked over to her. "Hey."

She smiled, "Oh hi. You're the boy that was talking with bakugou?"

I scowled in my head but smiled on the outside, "You remember me?"

She laughed a little, "Sorry about him. He's a little ... ah, extreme sometimes."

I said mentally, "tell me about it."

I realized I stopped talking out loud to her. "I wanted to thank you... "

She smiled, "You don't need to say thank you. It's all good."

I smiled quickly in response. Maybe she can give me some inside information without realizing who I am. If she figured it out, I'm dead... both literally and figuratively.

"Are you free? I was wondering if you would get some coffee so I can say Thank you."

She said, "Well... I'm not free now. Ah, but Tuesday. " I looked down and glanced up almost excitedly at the fact that she could on Tuesday.

"Ok, cool." I stated and she smiled.

"I-I'll give you my number." she says as I hand her my phone.

I waited patiently as she typed in her number and saved it. I was surprised that she didn't send a text to herself but I said nothing about it.

"There it is...umm ok. Call me. I'll let you know the details." Uraraka stated to me.

I smiled in reply. "Sounds fun."

"Well, I have to get going. Have an amazing day, and Stay safe. There are lots of villains around here and I don't want you getting hurt before we get coffee..." She said with a soft laugh and a smile. 

"Wait, I don't know your name", she said.

"Izuku, Izuku Midoriya." I smiled and waved as she left. I then turned to finish my patrol with troubled thoughts.

I muttered to myself, "Why are you so different?!?!"

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