Chapter nine

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*****Christian's P.O.V*****

As i was sitting on Bella's doorstep, thanks to Tristan and his lovely stalking skills, I saw Bella pull up in her Chevrolet Camero SS that was bright yellow with two black racing strips down the middle, like bumblebee. She opened the door, took one look at me and i saw something click in her eyes, then they hardened. She grabbed her bag out of her car, slammed the door shut and quickly walked up the driveway. As she passed me, she gave me one quick glance and pulled out her keys. 

"Bella wa-" I started, getting ready to apologize. 

"No Christian, dont bother." She stated, spinning around on her heel, opening the door and giving me on last look as a tear rolled down her perfect face, out of her, now dark, purple eyes. 

I could see the pain in her eyes and my heart ached with guilt. This was the guiltiest i have ever felt. 

I pounded on the door, calling her name for a few minutes before giving up. She wasnt going to talk to me. I walked down the driveway, going to call Benjamin, my closest mate. 

"Hello?" Benjamin groaned, half asleep. 

"Why are you still asleep?" I mused, smirking. 

"Christian? It has to be, you're the only Irish lad i know. Now, why the fuck are you calling me so early in the morning?!" Ben groaned again. 

"Its 12 fucking 30. Pm. Get your arse up, i need you to do something for me."

*****Bella's P.O.V*****

After i slammed the door shut, i slid down it and started sobbing silently. The door kept shaking as Christian hit it, calling for me. I heard the sadness lacing his voice." It took every ounce of my willpower not to: a) Open the door and punch him and b) open the door and let him wrap his arms around me, tell me everything's alright and then jump him. I sighed when i heard him start walking away. I could still hear him as he called someone. 

"Why are you still asleep?"

"Its 12 fucking 30. Pm. Get your arse up, i need you to do something for me." I heard him then end the phone call. I ran to the window, looking out. I saw him turn around, sigh then start walking away with his head down. Go out and hug him, tell him you forgive him. My heart said, my brain said different, Dont ever go near him again, he's bad news. 

As i was fighting a losing battle with my brain, i saw a car pull up and Kat got out. She walked straight past Christian and opened the door. He turned around and stared at the door like it was magic. I got up and went to see Kat. She saw i was crying and ran up to me, giving me a hug. Christian saw me, opened his mouth then closed it. He made eye contact with me and i saw the guilt, sadness and loneliness in his amazing eyes. I nearly threw Kat out of the way, to let him hug me. 

"Bella? Are you there?" Kat was half yelling, waving her hand infront of my eyes. I snapped my head toward her, shaking it a bit. 

"What?! Oh, uh, yeah." I stuttered, looking back to where Christian was. 

He wasnt there. 

Kat turned around and shut the door, then dragged me upstairs to my bedroom. She dove onto my purple bed, stealing one of my many pillow pets and hugging it. 

"What's wrong, bumhead?" She asked. 

I told her everything that happened, she just nodded along and 'mmhmm'ed when necessary. When i was finished she was pacing around the room. 

"I just want to...jump him. Is that too much to ask?!" I shrieked, laughing. 

"I have a better question. Does he have any hot friends?" She smirked. As she asked that, there was a knock on the front door. We looked at each other and walked down the stairs. I opened the door and Kat gasped. Standing there was a boy. A very nice looking boy. With bright blueish green eyes, a ash blonde quiff and a goofy grin on his face. 

" 'Ello lovelies, im Ben." He said, his English accent rang through my house. 

Love-struck and looking out the window (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now