Chapter 1

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Nya's PoV

They were closing in pretty quickly. Even with Cole back and Garmadon on our side, there wasn't much we could do to hold them off. My "genius" plan to use the Golden Weapons didn't really change much.
"Fall back! Everyone, fall back!", that was Lloyd. We all started running back into the monastery, which was suddenly flooded with all of us. Cole closed the gates and we just stood there thinking about what to do next. Nothing seemed to work against these stupid Oni.

Kai's PoV

"Well that's not gonna last forever." Cole said. He was right. The gates would get trembled in sooner or later, in this case, rather sooner. This was a really tricky situation. "Nya, I need to ask you something"  Jay suddenly stated, pulling down his cape.
"What, now?" Nya replied.
"Yeah, now."
Please tell me, he isn't doing what I think he's doing.
Already on his knees, he quickly babbles out something that I could only identify as "When we're not together it feels like a part of me is missing. Will you be my Yang?"
He did it. He really asked her.
"You're asking her now??" Cole shouts.
"We really need to talk about your sense of timing Jay!" I state, rather aggressively.
"There may not be another time."
Did he... did he just quote me?
I look over to Nya. She seems just as stunned as the rest of us, but I can already see her face turning red. She glares over to me, looking for help. I just nod.
"YES! YES YES YES!" Nya cries out sounding so incredibly happy.
She definitely looks happy too, which kinda makes me happy as well. Damn, that's a lot of happiness in one sentence.
"I taught him how to do that" I say to Cole, who just starts giggling.
"Jay, Nya, it's been an honor guys." That's Zane, he brings us back to reality. As much as we'd all love to see a wedding now, there's about 200 Oni right outside the gates, tryna break in.
"Yeah, let's go out with a bang!" That was Jay.
He was right. If this was the end, I'm happy to know that my sis married one of my best friends.
My time to throw out something.
"Yeah, let's give them-"
"A tornado."
"Yeah let's give them a tornado" I say, rushing toward the gates, when I suddenly stop and realize what I just said.
"Wait wait wait, a tornado??" I ask, pretty confused.
"What's the opposite of Destruction? Creation! The tornado of creation! It's the one thing that can defeat the Oni!"
"How do you know that?" asks Jay.
"Okay, I'm just guessing, but what do we have to lose?"
"He's right" continues Zane, "We have nothing to lose."
"I love crazy ideas" was my reply.
Honestly, that could really work. The hopes weren't that high, but it's better than doing nothing.
So we all started doing Spinjitzu like we'd never done before. Hell, even Garmadon joined in, and I gotta say, his little tornado looked pretty cool, all purple and flashy. We combined into a big tornado and to everyone's surprise, it actually worked. I remembered the first time we had done this, it looked and felt just like back then.
But that's when the fun part ended.
There was a giant bang and we all got thrown out of the tornado. Everyone landed in a different corner. I remember seeing Cole flying past me. Then I hit the wall and something big fell on to me, almost crushing my whole body. It hurt a little, but it was nothing I couldn't handle, until I saw this giant wooden spike inside me. Yeah, that's probably when I passed out.

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