Chapter 2

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Nya's PoV

My eyes opened. Everything was numb, but I got my strength back pretty quickly.
Jay ran over to me, picking me up and asking me if I was okay.
"Kai!" I heard someone shout. It was Cole. He ran over to Kai who was lying on the ground with a giant wooden plank on top of him, which kinda looked like one of the gate doors of the monestary. It probably broke off when we did the tornado of creation. But there was something else. As soon as I saw it, I started running as fast as I could.
"Kai!" I shouted "No!" When I got closer, Cole had already picked up the gate and thrown it away.
"No, no, Kai!" What we saw there was horrible.
There was blood on the ground all around him. It was like he was lying in a puddle of blood. In the center, there was his body, motionless, just lying there with his eyes closed and a giant wooden spike peaking out of the side of his body. Blood still running out of the wound.
"No! Please, Kai!" is all I could bring out. I fell on my knees, my hands clinging on his clothes.
Zane came over, horrified by what he saw. He still managed to stay rather calm. He shouted for Sensei Wu to come over here, and that's the first time I looked over. We had won. There was not a single Oni left. But at what cost?
Lloyd and Zane picked up Kai and brought him inside. They put him on the nearest bed they could find. He wasn't moving. At all. Was he gonna die here?
"He has lost a lot of blood, we need to make sure we close up the wound as quickly as possible after we remove this spike." How was he able to stay this calm in a situation like this?
I looked around. It seemed like everyone was calmer than me. Well, I wouldn't say they were calm, but at least they were being useful, unlike me, who was just sitting there, crying.
"Cole! Take this and push it against his wound really hard as soon as we take out this spike alright?"
"Yeah, got it."
"Okay, 3, 2, 1, now!"
Zane pulled out the spike with all his strength. Blood instantly poured out of the wound, all over the bed and floor. I came running over, asking what I could do, Lloyd and Jay did the same, but I guess there wasn't much we could do at a moment like this.
Zane put a bandage around his whole waist, which covered up most of the wound. I just sat there, looking at Kai, hoping he'd get better. Everything around me started to fade into a mix of non identifiable sounds, as my eyes slowly closed, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

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