Chapter 4 • Too Much

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"Ruby, Odie! Get my shotguns!" Charlie yelled.

Ruby and Odie looked outside, past their father. A group of men and women ran towards their house, a group of walkers trailing behind them. Every once in a while, they would stop and start shooting at them, and then keep running. Ruby started running upstairs to get her father's guns, and Odie followed closely by.

By the time they had gotten back down and gotten the guns to the boys, the group was too close for comfort. Charlie started shooting at the walkers behind them, as did Dean, but Heaven got off the porch and started running towards the group. In a split decision, and worry for her sibling, Ruby started running after him.

"Heaven stop! What are-" Heaven grabbed the baby out of a man's arms and ran back to the house. Ruby stood there in shock for a minute. Ruby kept running towards the people until she finally reached them. "What's going on?" She yelled.

"My wife just had a baby!" She had no idea what that had to do with her situation now, but she went with it. Running back with them to the house, her father continued to shoot while they all went inside. He was persistent.

"Okay, now what in God's green Earth is goin' on here?" LaVerna yelled, walking down the stairs.

"Mama! Go back upstairs! There are strangers in the house!" Odie said.

LaVerna gasped. "Why? Who are they?"

"Mama! What do you think stranger means! Now go the fuck back upstairs!"

"Oh a baby!"

"Mama!" Ruby and Odie yelled.

"Oh hush, now lemme see the damned thing!" She took the baby away from Heaven. "Oh bless your sweet heart!" She began rocking it. "See what you two are missing out on?" She asked Odie and Ruby.

The two girls just rolled their eyes. Dean and Heaven came and stood behind Ruby. They made a seemingly intimidating triangle. "Who are you people?" Ruby asked, crossing her arms.

"I'm Rick Grimes. These are my people-" He was handsome. He had high cheek bones and salt and pepper hair. "-this is my right hand, Daryl Dixon-" Daryl was also very good looking, in a 'one-cigarette-away-from-dying' and 'I-dont-sleep-cause-I- dont-think-i'll-wake-up' kinda way.

"Its nice to meet you Rick, Daryl," She nodded at them. "now, how can we help you?"

Charlie started screaming from outside. The boys stuck by Ruby's side. Shocked, but understanding at their protective behavior, Ruby spoke up. "Boys, go help daddy." Heaven and Dean ran outside, only to stop dead in their tracks. Charlie had been bitten. Dean and Heaven killed the Walker and dragged Charlie inside. Ruby heard her dogs barking and snarling.

"Odie, watch them." Ruby ran upstairs and grabbed her dogs leashes. "Come on boys." She said, locking them onto their leashes. With Azreal and Satan, she ran back down the stairs. Upon seeing them, the strangers (including the good looking ones) raised their guns.

"Put your guns down or get the fuck out." Slowly they all put their guns down.

"Azreal! Satan! Hush!" Suddenly, the dogs snapped their mouths shut. "Sit." They sat. "Good." She pet them.

Charlie was still yelling and cursing up a storm. LaVerna was now crying, Odie was panicking, Dean was holding down Charlie, Heaven was trying to hold down LaVerna, Ruby was holding her dogs on their leashes, watching this all go down, and the strangers were watching.

"Were sorry this happened! Listen to us! We need help. Shelter, food, we're starving!" The two boys were still trying to focus on Charlie and LaVerna, but had heard what they said.

"Are you fucking kiddi-"

"Dean, enough!"

"But Ruby!"

"Dean! Enough!" Dean scoffed and looked back down at his father.

"Heres what's gonna happen. You are gonna tell me how the fuck you guys got into this mess, and in return, I'm going to let you stay here." Daryl and Rick looked at each other and Daryl nodded. Rick looked back at Ruby.

"So your wife has passed."


"And you all had a plague?"

"Well... not real-"

"It was a plague."

"I guess."

"And then some man that was missing an eye, looking like he came straight out of a fucking batman comic-"

"Ya. The governor."

"Right. The Governor, tried to take your..."


"Right. Prison, and you all split up,"

"Ya, a lot of us died."

"Right. Beth and such." Daryl scoffed.

"Ya, my sister, Beth. Bless her heart..." A brunette girl started crying on some Asian kid.

"Okay. And then you got chased by a heard of walkers here, to our house."

"Ya." Daryl said.

"Huh. Alrighty then." Ruby went and got the baby from LaVerna, who was crying all over it.

"Her name is Judith." A little boy said.

"What a pretty name..." Odie said nervously. Ruby handed Judith back to Rick.

"Follow me."

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