09 | "Don't tell me you fell for me?"

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~ ❁ ✾ ❃ ❋ ~

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~ ❁ ✾ ❃ ❋ ~

The vending machine wasn't working. Though Y/n paid for a drink, the item wouldn't come out. She tried to push and hit the machine, but nothing seemed to work. With a loud groan, she took a step back in defeat.

"Need a hand?"

The girl was surprised by Jungkook who stood behind her. With a small smile, she nodded and moved aside to let him handle the situation. With a simple yet strong tap, he managed to retrieve her drink. Happily, she grabbed the bottle and thanked him.

"Isn't it a little early for soda?" Y/n stared at him and noticed his smirk.

With a shrug, she answered. "Not at all. Isn't it a little early for you to be a pain in the ass, though?"

Jungkook chuckled.

"In a bad mood, I see. So much for helping you!"

The female student rolled her eyes. "Make sure not to be late this evening. I have plans after our session."

Curious, the boy folded his arms over his chest. "What plans?"

Y/n frowned. "None of your business."

The black-haired boy addressed her with a knowing smile. In fact, he knew exactly about the said plans. Sun threw a birthday party at her place, inviting some of her classmates and other friends Y/n wasn't familiar with. Due to her crush on Yoongi, Sun begged Hana to invite her brother and his friends, which they gladly accepted. Jungkook was obviously one of these friends.

"Alright, see you later then!" he winked at her and left.

Shaking her head in amusement, Y/n strode along the cafeteria in search of a table she could sit at. She noticed a single table before the window glass and sat there. She took a laptop from her bag and began to work on some paperwork she had to send before tomorrow evening.

Meanwhile, a loud group of boys entered the crowded cafeteria. One of them spotted her right away, sitting alone, brows furrowed, and seemingly concentrated. A smile crept up on their faces.

"Minho, can you order a slice of banana cake with an orange juice for me?" they turned to their friend.

Said Minho simply nodded while Taehyung sent a suspicious look to his friend. He watched them walk to Y/n's table, looking determined.

Focused on her essay, she couldn't help but flinch when she felt someone sit across from her. Nevertheless, the growing annoyance on her face was pushed away by relief and pleasure when she noticed it was none other than mighty Jung Hoseok. Her heartbeat increased in a flash as his shining eyes stared back at her.

"Sorry for scaring you. May I bother you for five minutes?"

Of course, please do bother me forever. She nodded. "Go on."

Hoseok scratched the back of his head as if he was nervous, and if Y/n hadn't noticed, Taehyung did.

"I watched the trailer of the movie you were talking about last week, and it seems pretty cool! So—I figured we could watch it together—as in you and me—tonight?"

In an instant, butterflies filled her stomach. Her face grew warm as the cute boy in front of her was expectantly waiting for an answer. She couldn't believe her actual crush was asking her out. Sure, no one said it would be a date, but she still had the chance to spend some time alone with him. However, Sun's birthday was in the way. Y/n explained it to Hoseok who offered her to go out on Saturday night instead. She happily agreed.

Still, Y/n felt bad for not being able to meet him that night, so she said the first thing that came to her mind.

"You're very welcome to join the party tonight!" Thanks to her unsure tone, she managed to get a smile out of him. "Sun's house is big enough anyway."

Hoseok tilted his head to the side. "We never talked, though. I don't think she would like it since—"

"She will! Don't worry; she's really nice! Also, she can't say no if I'm the one who brings you."

After a short pause, the boy gave in. "Fine, I'll come."

~ ♡ ~

"I have a test on Tuesday," mumbled Jungkook as he opened his notebook. "The professor wants to evaluate our English level; I'm planning to screw it so that she won't expect anything from me."

Y/n shook her head in despair. "So unnecessary!" she exclaimed. "What's the point of doing that when you're actually good at it?"

Following her words, the boy's facial expression softened, and a glow of gratitude shone in his dark brown orbs. For some reason, his reaction caused her to smile fondly, endeared by his unusual expression.

"I mean it," she insisted, earning a sigh.

"You think I improved?"

She nodded. "Of course! You've never been bad at it. It's all in your head, Jungkook; you have to work on your confidence."

The boy cocked a brow, willing to tease her and avoid a conversation that could certainly make him uncomfortable. "So, I guess I don't need Professor L/n anymore?"

Y/n broke into a fit of giggles, rolling her eyes when the idea of ending these sessions didn't make her as happy as she thought it would.

"You're not getting rid of me any time soon." She made a deal anyway; she had to help him till the end of the semester, which was three months away. Until then, they would meet every Friday to study and, much to her surprise, share a good laugh.

Jungkook noticed Y/n was lost in her thoughts, so he lightly jabbed her forearm with his pencil's lead.

"Hey!" the girl shrieked, rubbing the sore area. "What the hell?"

The black-haired cackled like an idiot. She hit his arm, but he just wouldn't stop laughing. After a few seconds, he calmed down and flashed her a mocking smile.

"You know what? I actually enjoy tutoring sessions with you." Due to his honesty, he conveyed his true feelings. "You're kind of fun."

Warmth filled her heart.

"Don't tell me you fell for me?"

Jungkook's flustered face caused Y/n to snort. He rolled his eyes. "Hell no!"

"I wouldn't be surprised. What's not to like about me?"

He smirked, placing his face in the palm of his hands. "Let's ask Hoseok."

Instantly, her smile dropped. "Shut up," Y/n spat, flushed face.

"By the way, how's it going with him?"

She sighed. Although she planned not to speak about him with Jungkook, the idea that listening to a male's opinion might be useful struck her.

"We're friends!" she blurted out, surprising Jungkook in the process. "Guess what? He invited me to the movies." Before he could answer, she continued, "But I couldn't make it tonight because of a birthday party, so we're going tomorrow! Also, I told him to come to Sun's party tonight. And he said yes!"

Her excited self made Jungkook smile. Looked like her relationship with Hoseok was doing well; he believed Y/n deserved to be happy.

"See, lover girl? You don't even need the letter anymore!"


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