So Fuck Me On This Bar

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Sweet Pea Pov

I slide my hands down to her thighs as I grin into the kiss when I pick her up easily earning a little squeal and I turn us and sit her on the bar as we kiss and her legs stay around my waist as we make out. My hand buried in her hair as I tilt her head and kiss down her neck "I told you I wanted to fuck you on this bar" I said in her ear "then I guess you better fuck me on this bar" said Veronica challengingly and I grin then smash my lips back to hers as she slides her hands to my belt unbuckling it making me smile into our kisses "in a hurry Veronica" I ask her and she just scrapes her teeth against my neck again where my serpent tattoo is because the little tease knows it's my sweet spot which makes me groan as she continues to suck and tease that spot then my ear lobe "fuck" I growl as I literally rip her panties like they were nothing "I liked those" she said in between kisses "I'll fucking buy you new ones" I growl as I slide her skirt up as she unbuttons my jeans then unzips them.

My shirt is lifted over my head as I pull off hers then kiss every inch of soft fucking skin I could kiss as she pulls my jeans down with my boxers and I pull her closer making her laydown and then I'm half on the bar with her "this wasn't thought through well" I said in between kisses as I try to keep her from falling then I just thrust into her holding her by her waist as I thrust into her catching her moans with my kisses "fuck you feel so good Veronica" I growl in between kisses. Veronica meets my thrusts by grinding into me deliciously then I quickly pick her up and move us from the bar to a pool table "new location" she said with a laugh and a kiss.

I grin "much more comfortable" I said to her as I grind into her earning a moan as she tightens her legs around my waist "this pool table is my lucky pool table" I sad in between kisses as I rub her clit "you've fucked on this pool table before" she asks me and I chuckle "no I've never fucked anyone on a pool table, but I've won many games on this one" I said with a smile "Connor" she moans and I feel her tighten around me "and now I get to make a pretty little brunette fucking come on it" I growl as thrust harder into her and relentlessly. I groan when she once again moves her lips to my neck again "fuck you really like that sweet spot don't you" I growl as I give her hair a pull "of course anything to make you hot and bothered" she said with a mischievous smile "such a fucking tease" I growl as slam my hips into hers "Connor" she moans out and I moan "I love when you moan my name" I said to her.

"Fuck I'm close, I'm gonna fucking come" I growl in her ear as I slam my hips into hers as she tightens around my dick again "yes come again, give it to me" I said giving her thigh a squeeze when I feel her coming, I moan then I thrust deep into her "I'm coming, fuck Veronica" I groan as I come deep inside her.

After our fun in the Wyrm I ended up at her apartment that was definitely in worse shape than mine and Jughead's apartment. The apartment building was an old brick building that a lot of ghoolies used to live in so that didn't make me too happy because I guarantee there is still people that live here that deal the jingle jangle and god knows what else. I didn't realize how bad off she really was until I saw this place and her apartment was a small one room apartment, "princess why won't you stay with us, with me, this place isn't safe, I know it for a fact" I said to her "I'm okay promise, I lock the doors" she said with a laugh and I pull her to me "you might be okay but I'm gonna protect you anyway, if you won't come back with me then expect to see me a lot more coming to check up on you" I said to her and she pulls me to her "you aren't leaving tonight anyway" she tells me with a smile.

I grin "oh yeah you want me to stay" I said as I tilt her chin up to me and she nods "you want me stay in your bed tonight" I ask her and she bites her lip "all night long" said Veronica flirtatiously and that was the last thing that was said because clothes started coming off and there was another round of really hot wild sex that I'm sure the entire apartment building heard.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and I grin then get up putting my pants and boxers back on unable to find my flannel shirt I did have on or at least I think I had one on over this tee shirt. Then I see her in the kitchen looking all sexy in that flannel shirt I had on, fuck she could keep that shirt "I wanna wake up to this everyday" I growl as I walk up to her "to what, fresh coffee" she said to me with a smile as she turns to me with a cup of coffee and I smirk "no to you in my shirt" I said as I tilt her chin up and kiss her "coffee Sweets" said Veronica in between kisses "fuck coffee I'd rather make you come again" I said as I continue to kiss down her neck then she moves away "coffee, I have work in a little while" said Veronica as she hands me a cup of coffee and I sigh taking the cup of coffee "fine coffee" I said with a sad face and she laughs "I'm going to go take a shower" said Veronica with a smile "don't be a tease" I said with a grin "but it's just so much fun" said Veronica with a wink and I grab her ass on her way out.

I follow her out then I pull her to me "we can conserve water if you let me shower with you" I said in her ear "I didn't realize you cared so much for the planet" said Veronica flirtatiously "hey I have to live here right" I said with a smile "Sweets I don't want to be late for work" said Veronica as I turn her to me "and you won't be" I said with a grin "you know I will be" she said then pulls me in for a kiss "don't be a tease" I said again as I wrap my arms around her "princess can I take you out on a date sometime" I ask her with a smile "no dating remember" she said to me and I look at her "are you serious" I said irritatingly "you don't date and I don't date, we don't even have a clue how to be in a relationship, so let's just keep things the way they are" said Veronica with a shrug "I can't keep them like this" I mutter and step away from her.

"Why" she asks me and I glare at her "you really are going to sit here and act like you have no feelings for me" I said madly but she doesn't say anything "I can't keep doing this back and forth thing, I'm in too deep with you for that" I said to her as I back away from her "in too deep" she said looking at me and I groan "I'm in fucking love with you okay" I yelled out which wasn't the way I intended to tell her but now I'm just frustrated because she won't admit her feelings for me and she is so afraid to just be with me "I'm leaving, I can't do this anymore if you aren't all in with me then this is it" I said and she glares at me "is this an ultimatum" said Veronica angrily "yes, I want you to be my girl if you don't want to be all in then this is it" I said knowing I had to do it because it's never gonna be more than what it is because she is too afraid to have it be more.

Veronica doesn't say anything at first and looks away then back at me "then I guess you should go" she mumbles which shattered my heart into a million pieces. I thought maybe just maybe I'd get through to her by saying that, that she would come to her senses that she has feelings for me and I know she does there is no doubt in my mind that she does. I don't say anything I just turn and leave slamming the door on my way out.

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