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(Suicide Trigger warning) 

The full moon's light shown brightly against the night; the stars twinkled, contradicting deaths arrival. The parents slept soundly unknowing of the destructive actions of their preteen daughter. The figure draped in a long black robe seemed to float through the closed door of the home. The old wood floors ceased to creak under the feet of the figure; they pass the parents closed the door and slowly approaches the staircase. The character takes out a golden pocket watch. The ticking of the hands break the silence of the house until the figure puts the clock away. They carry on up the staircase of the house. 

They reach the top and ease down the hallway, passing a closed door with a sleeping little boy tucked away. His heavy breathing is telling the figure he has a cold. The character makes its way past the entrance to the end of the hallway. A door is a jar with a slight stream of light coming. The figure takes out the pocket watch again, looking at the time before putting it away, they then move through the door into the room. 

The bright moon shines a light into the room, lighting up the figures prize. A thirteen-year-old, in her closet wearing a noose as a necklace. The figure takes out the scythe beneath its robe and taps the floor, stopping time, along with the girls last breathe. The character walks to the young girl and grabs the knocked over chair and sets it upright under the young girl's feet. They loosen the noose and place her on the chair before touching her head, awakening her.

Bright green eyes pop open in surprise and confusion. The young girl gasps as she sees the dark figure in front of her; a hood covers their face. 

"Hello, Ava," The dark figure's voice floats through the air instead of cutting it, instead of a croaky voice like Ava was expecting from the scary character, the sound is calming and soft. 

"How-how do you know my name?" Ava stutters nervously. She didn't know what was going on. She looks around and realizes she is still in her room. 

"It is my job," The voice whispers calmingly. 

"Who are you?" Ava's question is quick like a bullet as her anxiety starts to build. The figures chuckles lightly as if the girl hadn't asked for her. 

"You know me as Death," Ava's eyes widen at the figures words. She feels of her neck and feels the noose still wrapped around her throat, though not as tight. 

"Am I dead?" Ava asked with a shaky voice, in shock she went through with it, death didn't seem real. She was suddenly so scared of it all. 

"Not Quite," Death whispers as they take the noose from around Ava's neck, "We will see after our talk."

Death's words made her curious; she didn't understand what was going on, her suicide felt like years ago, even though it were mere minutes. Ava pushes a strand of short black hair behind her ear as Death helps her from the chair and sits her on the bed. Ava is shocked at how warm, and soft Death's hand is. She doesn't get to see much as Death's skin is cover by the black robe.

"Our talk?" Ava questions, trying to peak into the hood to see Death's face, but she only sees darkness. 

Death clears it's throat making Ava even more shocked at how human Death seemed to act. "Yes our talk, you see Ava, I know everyone's time of death and how everyone will die, to the very last gory detail." 

Death looks down at the noose on the floor that was around Ava's neck before continuing. "You see, being Death means I can allow someone to push it off, or maybe cheat it. You call these miracles. Of course, fate doesn't allow me to do it all the time; she is tremendous on sticking to the rules," Death explains, and Ava remains engrossed to Death's words curiosity nipping at her mind with every word. "Tonight, though, Ava, I will let you choose rather you live or die." 

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