Trade Request: Red Holiday Sweater

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The 7th gift of Jamaaliday was the holiday sweater. I have all of the colors except for Red. I need it to complete the collection. I absolutely love the sweaters despite me thinking they're ugly. :) -Elm

What You Trade Me: Red Holiday Sweater

What I trade you: (choose items from this list no more than two please) orange and red head feather, Greely's Wardrobe, Golden Egg statue, golden non rare mech angel wings, ice amulet, freedom hat, phantom necklace(not amulet from the armor set), milkshake hat (pink glass), phantom plushie and phantom helmet (from the phantom armor set),

In comments say "Deal!" If deal. Then I will private message you my username and we can trade sometime. Please I don't want anyone saying deal and not having the sweater(s).

NOTE: I want this item because I am collecting the sweaters and this is the last one I need! Not because it is rare cause it really isn't. It is said these are glitches but they are not if people are receiving them as gifts for Jamaaliday! I may change the trade list depending when I trade the stuff I am offering so hurry and say "Deal!" Now before all of the good stuff is gone.

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