Item Of The Day: Headdress

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Hi jammers! This was suggested by happyfeet329! Sorry it took so long! Also there will be no RIM chapter for the week of 12-1-14 sorry. The picture above has all the headdresses except for the rare one. Hope you enjoy this and please suggest more items! The next item will be the worn blanket suggested by MareepQueen! - Elm

The headdress is an item that is always in high demand. It has a band with many feathers attached to it and it comes in various colors. It has one rare version which is purple and white. Many jammers like the headdress because they think it makes them look pretty. The headdress is something you would see a Native American chief wearing. It is members only.

Where to get it:
The rare headdress has been confirmed to be won in The Forgotten Desert (seriously if you are a member save up your diamonds to buy an eagle and do this adventure!) but it is very rare to get.

Fun Facts:
1. Many jammers think the head feather is a non member version of the headdress only with one feather.
2. Non rare headdresses are now considered rarer than the rare because they apparently can't be won in The Forgotten Desert.
3. One non rare headdress is red, blue and yellow/white so many jammers use it as a freedom headdress which doesn't exist.

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