Chapter 9

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*Belle P.O.V.*

   The rest of the week passed and my ankle had gotten better. I played in the next game and we won. "Great playing out there today Anna," Coach said. "Thanks coach. It felt great to be back on the ice," I said taking of my pads. And it is great to have you back out there," Dwayne said. "You should probably still wear that brace off the ice though," Coach said. "Good idea Coach," I said grabbing my change of clothes and heading for the girls section of the locker room showers. I stepped behind the curtain into the shower and let the hot water run down my body. While I was showering Connie came in and called me from the other side of the curtain. "Hey Charlie said to meet him outside the dorms when you're done. Something about a special surprise," Connie said. "Alright. Let him know I'll be there in about ten minutes," I said back rinsing my hair.

   I finished my shower and got dressed, then made my way to where Connie told me Charlie would be waiting. "Hey Charlie. What's your special surprise," I said walking up behind him. "Come with me and close your eyes," he said. I did and he grabbed my hand and began to lead me around. "Charlie what is the surprise," I asked when we came to a stop. "Alright open them," he said. I opened them and couldn't believe my eyes. "Aunt Mae! Uncle Stu! What are you guys doing here," I said shocked. "We wanted to surprise you dear," Aunt Mae said when I pulled away from hugging them. "Well I am fully surprised," I said. "Your kind boyfriend over there said you needed a good surprise, because you've been feeling down lately," Uncle Stu said. "Well Charlie this is a wonderful surprise. But that's not why I've been feeling down," I said whispering the last part to Charlie.

    "So how's Adam," Aunt Mae asked as we sat down. "Adam's good except that he can't play right now, 'cause some jerk Iceland player jacked up his wrist," I said. "Oh that poor boy," Uncle Stu said. "But he's doing good. Coach is letting him help coach," Charlie said. We chatted some more and it started to get dark. "We better get back to our rooms before cerfew. Are you staying for our next game," I said standing. "We would absolutely love to, but we have to get back to the farm," Aunt Mae said. "Oh. Alright, I'll miss you guys," I said then walked off with Charlie. "So what have you really been upset about," Charlie asked as we walked. "Well. The timing of our multiple attempts at a first kiss," I said bluntly. "Oh. Well maybe we will be able to try again soon. For now Good night Belle," Charlie said kissing my forehead. "Good night Charlie," I said as I opened the door and walked in my room.

   Weeks passed and we were winning games back to back and pretty soon we were in the finals playing Iceland again. We were in the locker room getting ready to play. And Coach called me over. "Anna. I know you love the game, but I'm not going to play you today," Coach said. "Ok but I'm not gonna sit and do nothing," I said. "I knew you'd say that so I decided that, you and Adam can help me coach today," he said with a smile. I went and took my pads off and put my jersey on over my tank top and tied my jersey in a knot in the front. "You not playing today," Connie asked. "No, Coach asked me to help coach this game," I answered.

   The door opened and we looked over to see Adam. "Coach great news. I woke up... and the pain was gone," Adam said showing us that he could move his wrist holding the hockey stick. Coach grabbed his hand to make sure it was okay and we all cheered. "I'm sorry Adam. I already have a full rooster," Coach said. Russ started to take off his jersey, but Charlie stopped him. "He can have my spot Coach," Charlie said stepping forward. "Then I'm going to need you behind the bench coaching with me and Anna," Coach said. I finished tying on my vans and then walked out with the team to the bench.

    We did our cheer, then we began the game. Iceland took the lead and we fought to get some points. "Come on guys," I said under my breath. We fought and got a point then Iceland got two more points and we fought them off from getting anymore poins. "We need a new tactic," Charlie said. While Coach was stressing out, me and Charlie grabbed a board and came up with a new play. "Belle where is your thoughts on this," Charlie asked as I explained the play to him. "It may not sound like a hockey play but it will work. Trust me," I said. "Ok," Charlie said then gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. Then Iceland scored another one.

    "Connie. You're up," Coach said. "Connie," I said getting her attention. "Be careful out there. They're gunning for you," Charlie said. She got slammed into the wall by Sanderson and next thing I know Dwayne has grabbed his lasso and is on the ice roping Sanderson. Everyone starts cheering except for me, Charlie, Miss McKay, and Coach. "This isn't a hockey game, it's a circus," Coach said. Charlie and I looked at eachother and looked up at the scoreboard just as the buzzer went off signaling the end of second quarter.

   We went into the locker room and the team was happy with how they were getting along and acting like the ducks they are. Then coach came in and gave a wonderful speech. He began to point at each of us and ask who we are and where we are from. We were all standing and we began to give scenarios and Yan brought out a new uniform. We did our old cheer and began the third quarter and we were striking hard. We scored finally scored another point.

   We called a timeout and showed the team the play, that we came up with earlier, and they went for the play and we scored another one. We went for another play and Luis had the puck he was going fast and he finally stopped. "He stopped. Charlie he stopped," I said grabbing his arm. "Luis put it in," Coach yelled. We had Russ go for a knuckle puck but they were gunning for him. Coach called a time out and he turned to me. "You got any ideas," Coach asked. "Just one. A outfit change. Have Russ and Goldberg dress in eachother's pads and uniform. They won't expect the Goalie to take a shot," I said. They quickly changed their pads and uniforms then went back on the ice.

  The plan worked and Russ tied up the game it was up to a shootout to determine the winner. First up was Jessie and he scored. Iceland went next and they scored too. Next for us was Guy and he scored too. Iceland sent someone else out and Goldberg caught it with his glove. Next up for us was Dwayne and his shot was caught too. Then Iceland went and they made the shot. Then it was Fulton and he did his super shot, knocking the goalie back and the puck to go in. Iceland went and they scored again. Then it was our final turn and Adam was up. "You got this bro. Go out there and impress those scouts," I said before he went out on the ice. He did a triple deeke and scored off the goalie's leg. Iceland was up and Coach looked to me and I nodded. "Julie," I called. "You're in," Coach said. He then pulled her aside and spoke to her and she gave a nod then took Goldberg's place in the goal. The Iceland player began making his way toward her, did a triple deeke and took his shot. I held my breath and squeezed Charlie's hand. Then Julie dropped the puck and we all let out a cheer.

  We went out onto the ice to celebrate and I was heading for the crowd when I was pulled back by Charlie. I spun and almost fell because of the ice but Charlie caught me. "Charlie what are you," I began, but was interrupted by his lips on mine. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me to a standing position. As we were kissing I felt the urge to pop my foot up and I put it down when we pulled apart. "Perfect timing," I said hugging him and he spun me in a circle before we joined the others for celebration. We shook the Iceland team's hands and Charlie and I were at the back. When we got to Gunnar he shook our hands. "Good work Captain Ducks," he said. "Thanks Gunnar," Charlie said. We celebrated some more then went back to the dorms to pack up our stuff to head back home in the morning.

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