Chapter two: The Easter Disaster

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It was another day.

Many days had passed since Treecko's experience with Bivu, and he had almost forgotten about his acquired powers.

He was just sitting in a chair, waiting for someone to realize what today was.

"It's Easter!!!" Screeched Frogadier from a different room.

Two giggles could be heard from the room.

Their friends Muscles and the one whom Treecko could never remember her name were hanging out with Frogadier.

Litten was observing the toaster for various reasons, and everyone else was watching tv.

"Guys," Pikachu said from a seat nearby, "We should have an Easter egg hunt!"

Prinplup squealed at an idea like that.

They're so immature. I'm the most mature, and amazing one out of all of them! For I am the Great Treecko! Treecko monologues in his head.

"That doesn't sound too bad," the unknown named Machop said as she, her shiny sister, and Frogadier approached the silent group.

"Aren't we too old for this though?" Frank, their Scyther friend, wondered.

"No!" Cubone cheered with a cute little smile.

"We aren't too old to have fun gathering eggs. Just because we're older doesn't mean we don't have to do the things we enjoy best!"

Her eyes were closed in a super duper happy expression.

"Fair point, but what's inside the eggs? Money? Is it chocolate?" Litten asked, wagging his tail slightly at the chocolate part.

"Well, I'd say we need to get them before we can actually start this." Pip commented.

"Yeah. We don't have any chocolate or money that I'm willing to give you." Alolan Raichu commented, slurping from a cup. It was lemonade.

"Maybe we should go to the store and buy some chocolate? Those of us who have money that is." Poppy commented.

"Pip and I will go!" Fennekin barked, her tail wagging.

"B-but," Fallar began in a stutter. "You will just end up buying out all the Pokepuffs again," Eevee added.

"Will not, fluffy pancake!" Fennekin snapped, baring her fangs in retaliation.

"What the," Pikachu mumbled.

"I do love fluffy pancakes." Eevee just murmured underneath his breath, rolling his eyes.

It wasn't a very creative insult.

"Ugh, you know what, fine! I won't buy out all the Pokepuffs. Just most."

Eventually it was decided that Prinplup and Pikachu were the most responsible, which was a slap to Treecko's face, and those two left to get the chocolate.

The whole time they were gone Eevee made remarks.

Remarks like, "M'lady is gone!" Or, "I miss her so much!"

It was starting to get on everyone's nerves. Except Fallar's and Litten's.

Litten was always more weird anyways. Which was sorta a compliment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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