Chapter 5: Dig Dug

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At the Byers house. Things are eerily quiet outside. Their porch bench swings in the breeze. Joyce is trying to call Jim again and gets his answering machine. She needs answers. After a beat, she picks up one of Will's many drawings and walks through the house to find its place in the giant vine puzzle mural that has taken over every room. This thing has gotten huge.

The vines have found their way into every nook and cranny of the Byers house interweaving from living room to hallway to kitchen. When she finds the gap in the drawings, she jumps to tape up the page as if this missing link will hold all the answers.

"It's like I feel what the shadow monster is feeling," Will tells Mike. "See what he's seeing." Mike takes it all in, slowly pacing Will's room. "It's like he's reaching into Hawkins more and more," the Byers boy explains. "And the more he spreads, the more I feel." Attempting to look on the bright side, Mike tells Will and that they could be their Upside Down spy. It sort of makes sense. If Will and Celeste know what the shadow monster sees and feels, that may be the key to stopping it.

"What if something happens and we can't stop it Mike?" Celeste says.

Mike holds his sister close while holding Will's hand with his head resting atop her's trying to stop her from shivering. "If something does happen I'll be right there to make sure neither of you get hurt."

The thought still lurked but... what if the shadow monster spies back?


As Joyce struggles to connect the dots, Hopper has found himself back in the Upside Down. Slowly traversing the tunnels beneath Hawkins, all he has is his gun and flashlight to guide him. There are vines everywhere. It's not long before our hero finds himself being spat at by what looks like giant spores. His vision blurs and he passes out in the tunnel as the vines work to close the opening to the pumpkin patch above.


After recording their interlude with Dr. Owens at Hawkins Laboratory, Nancy and Jonathan skip town. It's unclear where they're heading but, for the night, they end up at a place called the Motor Motel. Quickly requesting a double occupancy, it's evident they are both a bit uncomfortable with the situation.

They lay in separate beds and Jonathan finally breaks the silence, asking Nancy if she wants the light on or off. She smiles, saying, "deja vu." Jonathan smiles back. "Don't you think it's weird," she asks. "That we only seem to hang out when the world's about to end?"

Breaking the tension, Nancy leans over to compare palm scars, recalling their big boss battle in the first season. Nancy's is bigger. They share a lingering look before pulling back into their respective beds.

What happened to them? It's a good question and one that both Nancy and Jonathan have probably been wondering for a while. "After everything, you just disappeared," she tells him. Jonathan falls back on Will as his reason for backing off. But Nancy tells him she waited. "For only a month!" Jonathan's defense is a little weak. This doesn't seem to go over well, either, as Nancy quickly shifts in her bed, turning her back on him completely.


Will and Celeste suddenly awaken from a nightmare. It wakes Mike up, who's lying in his sleeping bag on the floor. Something's very wrong. While in the living room where Joyce is still trying to make sense of all the vines. After a beat, Will taps her on the shoulder.

"I saw him," he tells her.

"You saw who, baby?"

"Hopper," he replies. "I think he's in trouble. I think he's going to die."

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