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Snatcher: ...Hold it.. Don't squint too much.. Breathe slowly.. and.. FIRE!

Geneva shot the arrow, and watched it land just next to the center of the target on a tree further out ahead. This has happened three times already, making this four. 

Geneva: Again?! That's four times in a row! 

Snatcher: You're getting there, though! At least you're hitting the target! Soon enough you will be a great archer, and I don't give compliments that often! 

Snatcher saw Geneva's energy slowly slip away, sinking into a doubtful expression. This made him begin putting a finger to his chin, pondering his next action. He had to make his little girl happy! He hated seeing her miserable! Then, he snapped his fingers as he got an idea. 

Snatcher: ..Tell you what, Geneva.

Geneva: What? You got a contract that can just magically teach me? 

Snatcher: Oh, no no no! (Although that would be really funny-) *clear throat* No, what I'm thinking is.. I've never properly shown you around the forest, have I? 

Geneva thought for a moment. 

Geneva: ..No, actually. 

Snatcher: Well, not only are you my kid, but you're also my sidekick! You're the Catcher, remember? So why not show you around our forest, eh? We can practice bow and arrow more another time. Do we have a deal? 

Geneva grows silent in thought.. then, she smiles. 

Geneva: ..It's a deal. 

Snatcher: Perfect! Alright, up you go! 

Geneva was suddenly lifted by her arms, as Snatcher placed her on his back, like he was giving a piggy back ride. He turns to one of his minions nearby. 

Snatcher: Alright minions, what's the first best thing to show the kid? 

Minion: Why not the well, sir? Going there would lead you back to the path! 

Snatcher: That's a great first spot! 

He turned to Geneva above him. 

Snatcher: Hang on tight, kiddo! By the end of this, you'll know this forest like the back of your mind! 

Geneva: Dad, I can't see the back of my mind. 

Snatcher: Don't get smarty with me, shorty! Aaaaand we're off! 

As Snatcher floated away with Geneva on his back, they continued to playfully argue in the distance. 

Geneva: I'm not being 'smarty'! I'm just stating-

Snatcher: Do you want this ride to turn around, because it will missy! 

Geneva: No! It's just that since we're ghosts, I mean it could be possible that we could see the back of our minds, but other than that, it isn't scientifically proven that-

Snatcher: Geneva, enough with the word vomit kid! 






Expresso: So dad, you guys film western movies? 

Conductor: That we do, lass! Any posters catch yer eye? 

Expresso: Um.. well, they're all cool! But, I do like that one the most! With you as a cowboy! You look so cool! 

Take On The Role - A Hat In Time Fan-Made StoryWhere stories live. Discover now