Missing him 💔

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"Rin wait up" I could hear my brother Sousuke yell. But he was already too late, Rin was already on the diving board, pulled the strap on his googles and dived in the pool. I got off my seat to watch Rin, I always loved watching Rin swim, his forum was just beautiful anyone from a mile away could see how much passion he has for this sport. I looked over to the lane beside him as there was some splashing Commotion and then notice that there was a blue haired boy swimming and it looked like the two boys were racing each other. I watched them race each other, It was clear that the other boy was a good swimmer but... Is he as good as Rin? As Rin caught up to the blue haired boy I started doing a cheer.

"GIVE ME AN R, GIVE ME AN I, GIVE ME AN N, WHAT DOES THAT SPELL RIN GO RIN!" I cheered as I was doing cartwheels.

They were neck and neck, but at the last turn Rin got ahead as he had more leg power to push off with. I kept cheering for Rin, but then the blue haired boy caught up and out of shock the blue haired boy got ahead and made to the finish. As Rin took his cap off and flung his maroon hair around, I rushed over to him and said to him.

"Wow Rin that was amazing you are getting better Especially with your turns" I said with excitement in my eyes.

He looked up at me with his warm eyes and replied "Thanks (y/n/n) I appreciate it and your cheering is getting a lot better too, I'm very proud" he winked at me and then looked at the blue haired boy.

"they weren't lying your fast. What's your time?" Rin said.

"I don't know, and I don't care" he said in a lifeless tone

Rin looked shocked then laughed it off before saying "at least your living up to your reputation".

"Hey, let me ask you something" Rin said as he got out of the water.

The blue haired boy looked interested and uninterested at the same time, how can someone look so lifeless and uninterested in things I thought to myself.

"This should be good" Sousuke whispered to me.

"Did you want to enter a rely with me at the next tournament?" He said questioned excitedly.

As those words left Rin's mouth my brother dropped his head. Sousuke hasn't gotten used to Rin leaving yet. And to be honest nether have I.

"I only swim free or I don't swim at all" the blue haired boy said interrupting my thoughts.

The blue haired boy jumped back into the pool and to do another lap. Rin looked shocked but satisfied.

Rin started walking over to us, but I bolted off Because I felt like I was going to cry

"Where are you going (Y/N/N)" Rin shouted.

"I'm going to find Gou I'll be back soon" I shouted over my shoulder nearly in tears.

I started to pick up the pace as I didn't want anyone to see me cry, but then suddenly I felt a hand grab my waist and pull me embrace I was a bit in shock, even terrified. Then I looked up and saw it was Rin.

"What's wrong" Rin said in a soft voice.

"Nothing" But I could tell that wasn't convincing as I could feel tears starting to roll down my cheeks.

He hugged me tighter and said, "tell me why your crying."

I couldn't hold it in anymore I started crying heavily and said between sobs "I...D...Don't want you t...to leave me."

He lifted my hand up and said, "I'm not ever leaving you; I'm just going away for a while... but I'll be back cause I'm not going to leave you ever."

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