Hectic night

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I ran out of there in shock, I could not believe my eyes... h...he was really back after all this time, A million questions start to buzz through my head; like what was he doing here? how long has he been back? where was he all this time? is he ok? And why the hell didn't anyone tell me? I was so angry and confused that I was not focusing on where I was running and now.... I'm lost. I decide to take a deep breath and messaged Gou.

*Meet me at my place in ten ITS AN EMERGENCY*

I put my phone back in my bag, then I freaked out as I heard a strange growl but to my surprise... it was just my stomach reminding me I need to eat. So, I went and headed to the closest restaurant near my apartment.

ten Minutes later at your apartment

I burst through the door of my apartment and collapsed in front of it I took deep breath and then...

"(Y/N) is everything ok? What happened? What the emergency? You're really..." Gou said as she stood up from the coach.

"How come you didn't tell me your brother was back?" I said staring at the floor

"What are you talking about" Gou said confused.

"You know exactly what I mean...Y...you never told me Rin was back" I said slowly tearing up.


"I didn't tell you because it was just so sudden and to be honest I don't even know what's happening with him he only got back from Australia last month" she said concerned.

"and he hasn't even been home yet but now he attends a boarding school now"

I try to take a deep breath and relax.

"What school does he go to?"

She gulped.

"Samezuka" she said looking worried

I Stood up and looked at her in shock.


I started Pacing up and down the living room. I could not believe this. The boy...I am practically i...in love with is back...and...and going to the exact same school I che...

"Y/N" Gou said handing me a glass of cold water.

"You need to breath" She said concerned

I took a big sip. She is right I need to breath I'm overreacting... Am I?

"Are you ok now?" She said concerned

"I think so."

I looked back down at the floor. See this is why I love Gou I just had a big freak out and she didn't leave or scream back at me. She got me something to help calm me down. That right there is a great best friend.

"Thank you" I said giving her a big bear hug.

"It's ok" She said calmly

"Look I am really sorry I didn't tell you, I was going to tell you... I guess I just did not want to worry you about it that's all... but to be honest I don't even know what's happening myself."

"No I'm really sorry I didn't mean to yell and get angry at you...I was just shocked that's all." I said giving her a big bear hug.

"How about we just forget about tonight and have a good old fashion"

"Girls night?" I said.

"Yes!" She said excitedly.

So with that we got our favourite snacks, got Comfortable in front of the TV and Binge watched our favourite show.

'~~~Hey guys I knows this episode was short (And probs crap too!) BUT! The next episode will be better. THANK YOU FOR READING~~~~

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