chapter 3

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elena and katherine went to school the next day constantly watching there every surronding scared for what elijah had said

"boo" caroline said making both girls jump

"whats the big idea" katherine asked

"sorry you two left without a warning last night and did you see her brother he was hot" caroline said

"he was but we kind of have other people were intrested in" elena said she knew she needed to keep up the act for her own benefit

"yeah and even though he was hot so are the salvatores" katherine said

"you both agreed her was hot you never do that" caroline said and the twins looked at each other

"we said that out loud shit" katherine said

"sorry care were a little on edge something happened at home" elena said  her and katherine were definetly scared of elijah and ever more scared of his brother klaus

"well we got to get to class" katherine said and both girls headed to there first period they seen no one in there

alaric was at the desk"are you two ok"

"oh just peachy this arranged marriage thing is really starting to grow on me" elena said

"sorry" alaric said elena and katherine took there seat as everyone else started to come in they seen rebekah and kol come in and took there seats

"i swear its either katherine or elena" caroline whispered under her breath she seen kol starring at elena

"can we go home" katherine asked

"ugh go sign out in the office tell them i gave you two permission to leave" alaric said both girls got up and left they decidede to go to the grill they were sitting at the booth thinking

"wait what was rebekah and kol's last name" katherine said

"oh shit it was mikaelson i think" elena said

"actually you being forced to marry kol would be awesome he is hot" katherine said

"katherine" elena scolded she didn't want to leave he family behind

"your right i don't want to loose my sister" katherine said thats the last thing she wanted her and elena had been through everyhing together she couldn't handle loosing her

they sat there for hours in silece then everyone else showed up bonnie walked up to them"are you two ok"

then cece slid into the booth"there fine just scared"

"i'm gonna rip out your heart then compel everyone if you don't leave" katherine said

"you act a lot like me kat you know that" cece said elena looked around and only seen supernaturals looking at her and she snapped cece's neck

"she passed out from drinking" elena said"and i'm leaving" she walked past everyone and left

"elijah made a house call yesterday really pissed us off especially her" katherine said adn got up and left

caroline walked over with a drink"where'd they go"

"shut up caroline maybe if you stop with the comments they'd talk to you they have very good hearing" bonnie said and walked out caroline following her

elena walked to the woods and waas walking through it when she bumped into someone and fell she looked up and seen kol"oh its you"

he helped her up"what did i do to you"

"your the pysco brother right" elena asked

"as my siblings love to call me" kol said

"my point exactly y'all get to do whatever y'all want and no one says anything i get to join the family without a say in the world i don't even know you" elena said

"what if you get to know me" kol said cece was right this doppelganger did intrest him

"fine whatever" elena said they walked through the woods"why are they saying you need me"

"lets say i've done some bad things my mom made us the fist vampires ever i had magic i lost it when we turned i retalitated by going and killing an entire village then i flipped my switch left my siblings behind they made an always and forever pact just them three nik likes to dagger them everytime they do something that he doesn't like i get daggered everytime i argue or kill some witch he needs or go against his wishes" kol said

"which to my guess is a lot how many times have you been daggered" elena asked she felt bad for him doing one thing wrong and they get daggered

"5 times over the last 1000 years almost a century each time" kol said

"thats not fair and i live a very unfair life" elena said"you act like your physcotic why"

"who said i was acting" kol asked

"well you see your being very nice right now you act like your crazy and don't care about anyone i am good at reading people i have to be with my sister" elena said

"you got a sister" kol asked

"twin sister her name is katherine popular outgoing bitchy she takes after cece more than i do but we both hate her" elena said ooh how she so wanted to murder cece

"everyone wants to murder cece thats nothing new she does a million things and always gets herself out of it" kol said

"well she's at the grill with a snapped neck i can't kill her in public but i can act like she passed out" elena said

"sounds like something my sister would do" kol said

elena was about to answer when her phone started ringing"hello"

"elena marie gilbert i am about to kill you" katherine yelled

"everything is fine" elena said

"i'm gonna have bonnie do a tracking spell" katherine said

"how about you go hang out with your boyfriend" elena said

"first i don't have a boyfriend and he's hanging out with a newly turned caroline wanna guess who did it" katherine sia

"cece i say go kill her you know you want to" elena said

"i got a better idea halloween party in a few weeks we get her there you know she'll show" katherine said

"whatever you say kat bye" elena said and hung up"i gotta go it was nice talking to you"

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