Chapter 79

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SURPRISE! I'm so sorry, it took me almost two years. A lot has happened, and to be honest, I kinda forgot that I had this story going on. Luckily I got a few reminders from you guys, but it took me some time until I was happy with the chapter and where the story was going. So anyways, here it is, the next chapter, and there's more to come.

I'm sorry if you have no idea what has happened in the prior chapters, but of course you're welcome to read them again :)

Have a lovely day xx

It was only weeks later, almost at the end of the school year, when Barty finally came to Hermione with the good news that she could have the job as head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry for Magic. Now Hermione finally had the feeling that she could somehow be useful. She finally had some power in society. Of course, the laws would come from the Dark Lord, and she would follow those obediently, but now she could at least make sure there would be justice. And, of course, it secured her own place amongst the Death Eaters even further. She was now an individual, no longer 'Barty's wife'.

"Did Bellatrix agree with you at last?" Hermione asked Barty when he brought her the good news early in the afternoon.

"Well, she was still doubtful, she wondered if you were tough enough for the job. But she had heard about Ms Weasley, and how recently you've become less compassionate, so it took me a while, but she was convinced in the end," Barty grinned. "They expect you there next week already."

"It's strange, actually, I wanted that job so desperately so that I could protect Muggleborns and muggles from getting hurt, but I have changed. I still want justice, but any form of disloyalty will be dealt with. No matter what their blood is."

"Marrying you was the best thing I have ever done," Barty sighed proudly. "And you get more beautiful every day. If that's even possible."

"So do you, babe, so do you," she smiled, pulling him closer for a kiss.

"In an hour I have to be present at the sixth years exams. Would you like to join me? To make it bearable for me?" Barty asked, with a slight pout Hermione always found hard to resist.

"That's the least I can do for my husband who has secured me a job. Shame, really, I had some way more enjoying things in mind to thank you for that job," Hermione teased him.

"Well, after the exams we've got enough time for that," Barty smiled.

"And we still have an hour of time to kill now. Besides, aren't you lord and master of this castle? You can do whatever the hell you want here. They can't start the exams without you."

She unzipped her own dress and let it fall down on the floor. Barty could hardly resist her like that.

"I suppose one hour is long enough," he grinned, and he started kissing her up against the wall.

They took a bit longer than one hour, since they also wanted to take a shower afterwards. By the time they were finally ready to go downstairs, the exams already should have started over half an hour ago. Hermione tried to copy the confident and arrogant attitude of her husband when they entered the Great Hall where the exams had to take place, but she couldn't help feeling slightly embarrassed. She tried to hide it, but she could feel her cheeks getting slightly flustered. Barty noticed her discomfort, and he held her hand more tightly.

"Exams on History of Magic today. I'll hand them out to you now," Barty said, and with a wave of his wand, the exams flew over to the tables of the sixth years. "You know the concequences if you talk or cheat. You may start."

Without any further instructions, he led Hermione the way to the desk where they were supposed to sit. She had never experienced an exam so quiet as this one. It was as if all the students were holding their breaths, terrified to make a noise. After only five minutes, however, one boy hesitatingly raised his hand. Hermione wanted to stand up to walk over, but Barty stopped her and he stood up as well.

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