6. ~Would we be better apart~?

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Doyoung sat there in the hallway of the hospital. The police had drove both doyoung and jaehyun their.
The whole drive there, doyoung couldn't say a word, all he could do was cry. Silently.

So now, he waited as jaehyun was inside the room. But he wasn't cooperating.

Jaehyun- "I don't need it."

Nurse- "B-but your hands-"

Jaehyun- "Who cares!? I'm fucken leaving!"

Jaehyun grabbed his jacket aggressively, pushing himself off the chair. He walked out the room, and saw doyoung sitting there. His head was down, so he hadn't noticed jaehyun wall out.

But jaehyun didn't hesitate to quickly grab doyoung's arm, dragging him out the hospital.

Doyoung- "H-hyung~! W-wait you-"

Jaehyun- "I don't care doyoung! "

Doyoung flinched away. He looked down at there intertwined hands. He looked at the bruises, the redness that had formed on his Hyung's hands. He hated it. And it was all his fault.

Sooner or later. A car had come. It was the taxi jaehyun had called.

He took doyoung's hand, opening the car door and seating him inside next to him. He looked at doyoung, who fiddled with his sweater sleeves. Jaehyun then handed his jacket to doyoung.

Jaehyun- "Put in on. It's cold."

Doyoung knew better than to protest with jaehyun right now. So he just nodded his head. And did what he had to.
He slid the jacket on, it was big but it was warm.
But wasn't his Hyung cold too?

Even though he didn't want to make jaehyun madder than he already was, he wanted to care. He wanted to assure his Hyung.

He knew jaehyuns hands might've hurt. But he really wanted to hold his hyungs hand. He didn't care.
So slowly, he extended his hand over his hyungs thigh, then carefully linking there hands together. Jaehyun first hesitated, but then gave in, looking out the window.

Jaehyun noticed it started raining. He looked at the window, the rain drops streaming down slowly. Which reminded him of doyoung. Seeing him cry was the worst. It made him feel terrible. He hated it. So much.

Soon the car made its stop. They had both gotten out the car, jaehyun still not letting go of doyoung's hand.
They both made there way into the house. And that's when jaehyun let go.

Jaehyun- "I'll be upstairs in my room."

Jaehyun didn't look at doyoung as he said this. He just made his way upstairs, slamming the door behind him as he got into his room.
This was a sign for doyoung to leave him alone.

But doyoung didn't want to be alone. He wanted jaehyun to come and tell him everything was okay. To smother him with love. To hug him. To caress him.

Tears filled his eyes. It was his fault, he thought.

Maybe it was better if he was apart from his hyung. His Hyung didnt have to deal with things like this when he was around. Maybe the reason why jaehyun left for college was just to get away from him.

He walked upstairs. To his room. Where he sobbed as he put just a shirt on to sleep. Then gretting into his covers.
He closed his eyes, trying to muffle his cries with his hand. But that didn't work of course.
He felt like everything was his fault.

Soon, he heard the door to his bedroom open. And then footsteps to his desk, and then the click of the lamp turning on. Seeing the light through the sheets.
Suddenly a weight of something came onto the bed. It was jaehyun sitting there.

~Bun Bun~ [Doyoung x Jaehyun]Where stories live. Discover now