Chapter 1: Past Port

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2019, September 

The delightful smell of vanilla surrounded the room after I had lighted the candle. I figured that if I wanna start cleaning, I should set a good mood. Turning on the Bluetooth speaker, music flowed out as I sang along with the singer. I started clearing my closet which was a dreadful mess. You would wonder if a mini-tornado stormed in my closet. 

  I put away clothes after clothes until I saw a book tucked under the pile. Curious, I dug my hand into the pile of clothes and grabbed the book. Warmth and nostalgia filled my entire being as I held the precious relic that held my past. 

  As soon as I opened the diary, a paper fluttered out from it, landing softly unto the ground. I picked it up, wondering what it was. I picked it up and turned it over. 

    Oh my.

   It was the picture when my friends and I were in high school, sitting at our usual lunch table. My eyes immediately landed on the girl with curly brown hair that dropped to her shoulders. Before I knew it, tears fell from my eyes. Regret and hurt started to fill my chest. 

   "I wish I tried harder," I whispered to myself.

   After cleaning my apartment, I had travelled and arrived at my agency's building. I am an aspiring actress and have landed the side character roles in big films which is a huge feat compared to when I was offered extra roles in small films. I highly thank my wonderful agent for the success.

  Before I could enter the office where my agent spends most of her time at, I heard someone yell, "Lilian!" I turned to my left to see Brie, my agent, running towards me. Of course, I was dumbfounded as to why Brie was looking flustered and excited at the same time.

   When she reached me, she bent over, her hands on her knees. She panted as she tried to catch her breath. I waited in anticipation for her next words. 

   Her head snapped up at me, eyes glimmering as she stood up straight. "You got the role!" she exclaimed.

   I was obviously confused as I stuttered, "W-what?"

  Brianna rolled her eyes in annoyance but the glimmer returned to her eyes immediately. She clasped my hands in hers as she yelled, "You got nominated to audition as the main character for that major film!!"

  I swear I almost stopped breathing. Stepping away from Brie, I walked away from her. "Liliana?" she said, her voice wavering. "Are you okay?" she asked in a worried tone. I didn't reply her as I walked to the elevator and pressed the button for the rooftop.

  As soon as the elevators dinged open, I took a few small steps out of the elevator. Excitement starts bursting out of my being that I start to run across the rooftop floor. 

   "AHHHHHH!" I screamed as I ran. I started to laugh at myself for being so ridiculous. When I reached the edge of the rooftop, I held the railing and stood on my toes. "I DID IT!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I laughed again after getting out a few 'hurrahs.

   Out of the blue, green light shimmered from below. "What the-" I said but was cut off when the light blinded my eyes. I closed my eyes to protect my sight.


  beep beep beep! beep beep beep!

  My eyes fluttered open and everything I saw was blurry. Grunting, I forced myself out of bed and dragged my feet into the toilet to brush my teeth. I was feeling more groggy than usual. I knew I should've stopped at my 4th cup of wine. I internally cursed at my low intolerance. Turning on the faucet, I gathered water in my palms to wash my face.

  Once the faucet was turned off, I looked at my face in the mirror. I must've looked like a zombie. However, the moment I see my own dark brown eyes staring at me, my heart and mind raced faster than anything in the world.

  I screamed.

  I heard footsteps running towards me. The door opened and I could see Mom and my brother, Aiden, near my door, looking worried. "What happened?" Mom asked.

  "I-I am young!" I yelled in horror.

   In a flash, my mom and Aiden had an unimpressed look. "Uh-huh, talk to me when you're sane," Aiden said as he walked out of my room with an annoyed expression.

  "What's up with you? Making a ruckus in the morning? Quickly change and eat breakfast," my mother said. Before I could ask why I should change, she was already out of my room. I was in a complete daze. Aiden looked younger and was wearing his high school uniform. Since when did I return to my childhood home anyway?

  "What on Earth is going on?" I grumbled to myself. Most probably, they're playing a prank on me. They could have taken advantage of my wasted state and brought me home. Mom had a copy of my apartment key and Aiden is pretty strong.

  I shook my concerning thoughts away and opened my closet. Panic started to settle in me. The clothes in my closet were exactly the ones I used back in high school! I was pretty sure I donated them to charity. I turned around to scan my room. Everything is exactly how it was when I was in high school. I remember my room looking almost empty after I left for university.

   This was impossible. 

   I quickly ran to my calendar, placed on my desk. My heart almost stopped when I read the date.

   No. Freaking. Way

   2015, September

   I racked my brain, trying to remember what happened before I woke up. I can remember bits of it but it's too blurry that it's difficult to recall them.

  I only remembered getting nominated to audition for the major role of the film that was getting a lot of attention. Oh right, before that I was cleaning my apartment. Other than that, everything was a blur. I felt like I am missing something crucial though.

  "Lilian!" my mom yelled, surprising me. "Come down now! You're gonna be late!"

  I groaned. 

   After brushing my teeth, I walked towards my school uniform hanging on the back of my door. I gulped as I touched the cotton material of this awfully familiar uniform. The black blazer proudly revealed the school's insignia, white dress shirt, grey skirt and a blue necktie with the insignia plastered on the end.

  'I really am back in the past, aren't I?' I thought to myself.

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