Chapter 5: Adding Aid

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  "So, what's your plan?" Lucas asked, popping a french fry into his mouth. 

  I stirred my milkshake as I thought. "I thought spying on Jeremy was enough. I think it'd be better to have someone who actually talks to him," I said, implying the fact that Lucas doesn't talk to Jeremy. 

  We were having dinner at the diner. I texted my family and friends that I would be meeting with a friend for a project. The last thing I wanted from them is assuming I was dating Lucas.

  Lucas caught on my hidden meaning. "Before you judge me, I heard Jeremy told Amy and Gerard that he caught the bait and he will be making money soon enough."

  "What the hell does that mean?" I muttered as questions swirled in my head. Suddenly, an answer came to my head. "Promise me that what I am about to say stays between us," I murmured.

  Lucas looked surprised but he nodded. I sighed before I started, "I know for a fact that Jeremy is going take Miriam's virginity. About the money thing... Perhaps he made a bet with his friends?" Just thinking about makes me sick. 

  I wasn't sure about the other details but I remembered Miriam telling me Jeremy tricked her into having sex with him. After word got out that Miriam accused Jeremy of playing her, Jeremy manipulated the school into thinking she was an attention seeker. Due to that, Miriam became the target of bullies and fell into depression.

  Lucas' eyes widened. "Now, how did you know that?" he asked.

  "A little birdie told me," I simply said which caused him to give me an unimpressed look.

  "Fine," he sighed. "So, what are you going to do?"

  "Isn't James close to Jeremy?" I asked.

  "You could say that," he said. I smiled as I waited for his response. Lucas seemed to realize what I wanted. "James is horrible at lying," he remarked. Instead of replying, I slurped my milkshake with a grin I couldn't wipe off.

  The next day, I visited the Student Council room after classes. I knocked on the door but there was no answer. I turned the knob but it was locked. Where could James be? As if my prayers were answered, Crystal arrived. "Can I help you?" she asked.

  "I'm looking for James actually," I replied. 

  Crystal's eyebrows rose then said, "He's in the library to study at this time. We don't have a meeting today."

  "Alright, thank you," I chirped then jogged to the library.

  When I walked into the library, I spotted James at the table near the window. Seeing the sun penetrating through the window, I wondered if he ever felt hot. Anyway, I made my way to him.

  I cleared my throat and when he looked up, I joked, "You seem to have a thing for windows."

  James laughed which made me smile as I took a seat beside him. "I do actually. I like a good scenery," he explained when his laughter faded.

  I leaned my chin on my palm with my elbow on the table while looking at him. He stared at me curiously. I studied his face for a moment before speaking, "I have a favour but I am not sure if I can trust you."

  James raised a brow. "It depends on your request," he said, leaning back on his chair.

  I straightened my back and turned my body towards him. "It's something serious," I firmly said.

  After explaining to him, I added, "I am asking you to get information out of Jeremy."

  James placed a finger on his lips and looked down while he thought about it. I waited in anticipation, hoping he would accept.

  When he looked at me again, he said, "Honestly, this is a little crazy but if someone's life is at stake, I can't ignore it. I am in."

  Joy burst out of my chest that I unconsciously leaned in to clasp his hands to show how grateful I was. "I will remember your goodwill forever," I gasped.

  Suddenly, I realized how close my face was to his. I quickly pulled away and let go of his hands. When I leaned back in my seat, I apologized, "Sorry, I got too excited."

  I noticed James' ears turn red again. I did my hardest to contain my laughter. Who knew James was a shy boy under the calm and composed front?

  "That's okay. By the way, Jeremy invited me and a few friends to go to that annual Fall carnival 3 days from now," James explained. When I didn't get where he was going with this, he continued, "You should come. Jeremy mentioned he will bring his girlfriend which I assume is your best friend."

  I marvelled at James' plan. "You're a genius!" I exclaimed which earned me sharp hush from someone. I lowered my voice as I spoke, "I will definitely come. Oh right, Lucas should come too."

  "Lucas?" he asked.

  "Yeap!" I chirped then it suddenly dawned on me. I left out Lucas in my explanation. "I am so sorry. I forgot to mention him. Lucas somehow became my partner when he caught me spying on Jeremy. Don't tell him but he's terrible as a partner," I whispered.

  At this, James laughed. "It's okay and oh yeah, I can totally relate," he said. I smiled as I felt understood.

  "I am wondering why wouldn't you report to our teachers?" James asked.

  I sighed. "I have thought about that but I need compelling evidence. If we tell the teachers, Jeremy might hear about it and our efforts will go to waste. Besides, Jeremy is good at covering up his tracks. I heard he played a few girls and when they reported, nothing happened to him."

  "Hmm. If that's so, how will you get compelling evidence?" he asked.

  "I have a plan," I replied.

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