Chapter 1

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Meet Quadstar. A four member girl group from Korea.
Sooyun is the oldest member and also the leader. Her stage name is Lilly.
Bongcha is next in age. On stage, she goes by her original name.
Chungae is the third and she goes by Racha on camera and when performing.
Then there's me. I'm the youngest of us and only part of the time does it have its perks. My name is Aecha; stage name Tiger.
We debuted a few weeks ago and are employed by Cube Entertainment.
Since I met the three of them, we have gotten along really well. We laugh and talk a lot and even though I'm the youngest they don't let that factor in how they treat me.
All except for when it comes to him. He likes to look at me when we're hanging out at the office or when the unnies invite all of them over.
Of course you can say we're friends, but I don't feel like I have the time to commit to him.
BtoB's Ilhoon just keeps prying and last week he pleaded. Although, he was encouraged by the large group of people in our dorm.
Our bedroom has two bunk beds and I sleep on the top bunk above Bongcha unnie.
Whenever I need to escape the crowd I always go and lay down then read or play a computer game.
Ilhoon will always follow me and stand on the ladder. He watches me and we talk; he drops hints or flat out asks if I'll 'clear my schedule'.
I smile and the answer is always, "I like your looks, but I barely know you."
Maybe if we actually had the chance to talk without him trying to make me fall for him, he would have a hope.
When they leave, he's the last to go and he smiles at me then slowly moves out the door.
That was today's case. Both groups had a day off and Sooyun unnie was feeling bored so she invited them over for lunch.
We talked and had fun watching movies and playing video games. Ilhoon stayed next to me and we talked about a lot of things.
Since we were new to all of this, it was mostly about how we were doing, being away from home and all.
That was directly towards me since I'm only seventeen. I'll be eighteen in about two months and Chungae said, "That's when he'll really start to pay attention to you."
He did stick closer than normal and he really only started conversations with me.
I stayed with the group today and close to my unnies at all times.
They were here until almost seven thirty, when Eunkwang decided his 'team' should go back to their dorm.
We all stood at the entrance and waved goodbye as they left, Ilhoon last as usual.
Sooyun closed the door and stepped up into the living room area, stretching, "It's fun to have them, but it's tiring as well."
"Especially for our maknae," Chungae pat my head and smiled.
"He's a guy, I get it," I sighed, "But why can't he just slow down a little?"
Bongcha walked back to the bedroom and we followed. We four settled into our beds and for the next half hour I read a comic book.
At eight, I went to take a shower and that lasted for a heavenly, warm fifteen minutes.
I came out of our bathroom and went into the room on the other side of our dorm where our wardrobes were placed.
I changed into my fluffy pajama bottoms that had a tiger print on them and a black tank top.
On my way back to our bedroom, I noticed a folded piece of leather. I picked it up and opened it; Peniel left his wallet.
I was about to lay it down when someone knocked on our door. I moved around the table to answer it.
Peniel, Sungjae, and Ilhoon: aka the maknae line, stood there. They all three stared at me and I stretched my arm out handing Peniel his belongings.
"Thank you," he smiled and he and Sungjae bowed, then went down the stairs.
Ilhoon smirked, "Tiger wearing tiger," then he followed his family away from our door.
I could feel myself blush and I got a little angry.
I walked back to our bedroom through the kitchen and shut the door. I leaned on it and crossed my arms.
"What's eating you?," Sooyun sat up and giggled.
"He was staring at me," I pouted and crossed over to our bunk bed. I climbed up and Sooyun unnie turned the lights off from her spot on the bottom bunk under Chungae.
"Look at what you're wearing," Chungae smiled and laid down.
"I didn't know they would come back," I covered myself up with my blanket.

We were woke up by our manager, Ju Hae-Won, a little earlier than usual and she said she had a surprise for us.
We rode over to the Cube's office and went up to our meeting room. Sooyun walked in an was a little tense.
We filed in and I understood why when I saw a few cameramen and two women sitting where Ju unnie usually did.
"Hello," we bowed and I tucked my hair behind my ears.
"Ladies, welcome to your first t.v. show," Ju unnie sat next to the two women, "These are the writers and obviously the cameramen," she gestured to the three guys holding giant cameras.
We waved and smiled nervously.
"People actually want to watch us?," Bongcha kind of laughed.
"We took a pole and apparently they do," the writer's smiled at us.
"Okay," Sooyun sat down and we followed her lead.
I laid my phone down in front of me and the writer's turned to me, "Are you okay?"
"Oh, yeah. It's just really shocking and unexpected," I put my hands in my lap.
"You'll get use to it," they laughed and handed each of us a piece of paper, "If you had a day off where would go and what would you do. Also, who would go with you."
"This is perfect for our maknae," Chungae giggled and started writing.
"What does that mean?," Ju unnie asked and sat back in her chair.
Sooyun started, "Someone has a crush on her, but she won't even try to give him a chance."
"Unnie," I pouted and wrote down my 'where'.
"It's okay," the second writer smirked, "Can you say who it is?"
Our leader looked at us and I was the only one saying no, "BtoB's Ilhoon."
"Really?," our manager smiled and pulled her phone from her purse, "They're just down the hall."
"No," I jumped up and laid across the table, putting my hand over her phone screen, "If you love me you won't do this."
"I don't love you yet. I really, really like you," she moved my hand and dialed their manager's number.
"Hello? Yes, I'm Quadstar's manager, and we were wondering if Ilhoon could make a quick guest appearance for their first show?"
I moved back to my seat and sat in the floor then pulled the chair in to hide myself.
"Thank you very much," her voice had a sly ping to it. She hung up and I came back to the surface.
"He's on his way," she smiled at me and there was a knock on the door behind me.
I hid my face as Bongcha stood up and let him in.
They bowed and she sat back down. Chungae sat a chair next me and pulled him into it.
I glanced at him and we smiled at each other.
"Now," the writer sat up straight, "You may present your ideas."
"I'll go first," I stood up and walked to the end of the table where everyone could see me, "I would want to go to the Pokemon Center in Japan. I would go with my unnies and maybe a few others. At the Pokemon Center we would walk around and buy a bunch of cute stuffed animals."
Chungae started clapping, but stopped when she was the only one.
Next Sooyun went and she wanted to take Henry Lau oppa to an amusement park and ride lots of rides with him.
Chungae wanted to go to a restaurant with B.A.P.'s Youngjae oppa and have a romantic dinner.
Bongcha wanted to go to Singapore and sight see with all of us.
"It's a lot of fun," Ilhoon nodded.
"Oh yeah. You guys went there a while back didn't you," Sooyun leaned on the table and looked down the line at him.
He nodded and I couldn't help but stare at him. He wasn't really dressed like normal.
He was wearing sweat pants and a t shirt with a jacket over it; aside from the regular skinny jeans.
He caught me and we both blushed, probably because of the cameras.
The writers took our papers and called the meeting to an end.
I walked out with Ilhoon at the back of the line and I thanked him for coming before he went into the next room over.
I caught up with Sooyun and we left the office and got back into our manager's car.
She drove us back to the dorm and the writers and camera men followed in their van.
We got out and went inside, up the stairs, and into our dorm.
They gave Sooyun unnie a bag with a camera in it.
"You have the rest of today on film duty then tomorrow give it to Bongcha and so on. We'll be collecting the tapes at the end of the week."
"Okay," she sat the camera down and I immediately took it out and looked it over.
It was a nice camera, now all we had to do was keep it in tact.
"Will she have it again on Friday or can I do both Thursday and Friday?," I asked and put it back in the bag.
"If you want to," they nodded and walked over to the door.
After they left Sooyun started filming and she did a dorm tour.
I waved and gave the camera a peace sign before I started reading while on my bed.
"You realize that you sleep in the exact same place as Ilhoon, right?," she pointed the camera up at me.
"I do?"
"Yeah. He sleeps on top bunk on the same wall," she giggled.
"It's creepy that you know that," I went back to my book.
Unnie left me in the room and my phone started ringing.
I didn't look at the Caller ID so when I answered, "Yabosayo?," I didn't expect him.
"Hey, it's Ilhoon," I heard faint laughs in the background, but Eunkwang's was clear.
"Turn me off speaker and I might go somewhere with you tonight," I smiled to myself and turned the page.
"One second," he turned it off speaker, "So where do you wanna go?"
"I said might, but I still haven't ate yet, so keep that in mind," I laughed. Talking to him normally and joking around isn't what made me so nervous. It was when he was serious that I couldn't talk and my brain got flustered.
"Food, got it," he laughed and I heard a door shut, "I just wanted to know what else they made you do."
"They gave us a camera and said to film things until Friday," I turned the page in my book again, "I have a feeling there's more though."
"Almost always there is a catch, yes," he chuckled and I smiled.
"Ilhoon, thanks for calling and checking up on us, but my unnies are trying to be sneaky and film me," I turned my head to them and they ran out of the doorway.
"Wait I have one question," he stopped, "Are you sure you can't come with me to get something to eat?"
"Um," I thought for a minute, "I'll ask our manager if we can come with you guys. I'll call back in a little while okay?"
"Okay, bye," the hope in his voice left.
"Ju unnie!," I came out of the bedroom, "Can we all go out and eat with BtoB? You know to kick off the show?"
"Will you pay for me?," she shifted her weight.
"I'll do what I can," I smiled and clasped my hands together, begging.
"Then I guess so," she took a drink of coffee.
"Yes!," Chungae shouted and went back into our closet room.
Sooyun started to tell the camera what was happening while I called him back.
"Yabosayo?," he picked up, "Can you girls come?"
"Yep, I'll get them and you get the boys," I walked into the room and opened my wardrobe.
"Alright, see you in a few minutes," he hung up and I dropped my phone into my drawer.
"We live right above them," Chungae laughed and pulled her shirt over her head, "Why don't you just cut a hole in the floor?"
"Destruction of building property," I smiled and changed my shirt as well.
"Let's go, hurry up," Sooyun unnie opened the door and basically squealed.

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