Chapter 3

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I came back up to our dorm and my unnies were all gathered around in a triangle watching something on the camera.
"Oh," Chungae noticed me come in and turned it off, "Hey."
"Hi," I stepped up into the living room area after taking off my shoes and jacket, "What're you three doing?"
"Nothing," Sooyun could never keep a secret, "Just watching."
"Shh," Bongcha elbowed her a little.
"Right," I nodded and started back to our bedroom.
Sooyun squealed and I turned around to see her running towards me, "I'm so proud of you!"
"For what?," I asked as she started to jump up and down.
"You kissed him!"
"Unnie!," the other two groaned.
"How'd you-," I paused, "you can't put that on television! It'll ruin everyone's career!"
"Don't worry, we're deleting it later. We just wanted to see it so bad, then I remembered I left it on."
"Since when?"
"Since this morning," she laughed at herself, "but anyways, no harm, no fowl. We can get rid of it."
"Girls!," Ju unnie came through the door, "Change of plans," she took her shoes off and walked to stand beside us.
"For what?," Bongcha took the camera.
"The writers have a new idea," our manager took the camera from Bongcha.
"What are we doing now?," I asked, glancing at the other three.
"You'll see tomorrow. Hope you had an eventful Monday!," she scurried back over to the door and left.
"Not really that much on the camera," Sooyun shrugged.
"I'm sorry Aecha," Bongcha started to pick at her fingernail polish.
"She took it right before I hit delete," she bit her lip.
"Don't joke with me," I smiled, thinking she was playing around.
"I'm not," she looked down.
"I'll call Ju unnie and ask her to get rid of it," Chungae put a hand on our second oldest's shoulder.
She walked off to call our manager and Sooyun was in the bedroom already.
I stepped over to Bongcha and whispered, "I really don't care if people see."
She smiled and I walked into the bedroom.
Sooyun was ending a conversation when I went over to the ladder.
"Yeah, I'll tell her," she said and I noticed it was my phone.
"Unnie!," I said quietly and reached for it, but she turned around and I missed it.
"Alright bye, Ilhoon," she said really cute and then hung up.
She handed me my phone, "Ilhoon said that Peniel is fine and will be back to normal in a day or two."
"Thank god," I sighed and took it from her as she crawled into bed.
"Do you have to go to school tomorrow?," she changed the subject.
"Yeah," I climbed up and laid down as my other unnies came in the room.
"Then you should probably go to sleep," Bongcha said turning out the lights.
"Okay," I pulled the blankets up and laid back.

In a few minutes everyone was asleep, but me. I couldn't get comfortable; I kept thinking about the camera footage.
Ironically enough my text ring tone started playing at midnight and it was Ilhoon.
I looked at the screen and he had sent me, 'Still awake?'
'I can't stop thinking about today'
'You have no idea,' I sent back.
'What's that mean?'
'It's a long story,' I sighed and looked around in the dark room.
'Can you meet me outside?'
I looked at the clock on my phone, 'Sure.'
'C u then," he put a smiley face at the end.
I slowly got up, climbed down the ladder and walked over to the door.
I opened it just enough and slipped out. Tip toeing over to the front door, I grabbed my jacket and put my shoes on. I grabbed my key and left, locking the door back behind me.
Then I quietly, but quickly went down the stairs.
I stopped after I put a few steps behind me. What was I doing? Where was my brain?! I'm leaving the dorm at midnight on a school day.
And it was for him, but it was more for me; so that I could see him, hear his voice.
I smiled and kept going.

I came out the door and he was waiting for me. He grabbed me and hugged me, "Warm this time?," his voice was low as he whispered and I blushed.
"Yeah," I smiled at him. The street lights lit the area just enough for me to see him.
"Cool," he stopped hugging me, but still held my right hand, "So exactly how long is that story?"
"Oh, yeah. So you know what we did before you left?," I looked down at the ground.
"You're making it sound weird, but yes," he smiled and we started walking towards the street.
"Well, Sooyun left the camera on in the bedroom and filmed it. They tried to delete it, but Ju unnie took it before we could," I bit my lip and looked up at him.
He blushed a little and smiled, "Don't do that," he whined and pushed me gently.
"Do what?," I giggled and pushed my hair off the right side of my face.
He stopped and turned to me, "Don't be that cute," he smiled down at me and tucked the hair on the right side of my face behind my ear, "I might have to make it illegal."
"Then you shouldn't be able to do that," I countered.
"What did I do?," he laughed.
"That! Whatever you're doing right now!," I started walking and dragging him with me.
"But Aecha!," he pulled me to him and then lifted me up, "I like saying you're pretty."
I grabbed his shoulders, surprised that he could hold me. I was small, but not that small.
"Come on," I groaned, "You're good at flattery."
"Thank you, but I'm serious," he put my feet back on the pavement, "You're beautiful."
"Hm," I smiled, "I know."
He chuckled and shook his head, "And you can make me laugh. You're perfect."
In that moment we both realized he still had his arms around my waist. He let me go and I stepped back a few centimeters.
"Thanks for the compliment, but nobody's perfect," I looked down to the ground and started walking again.
"Well then," he got close to me and wrapped his left arm around my waist again, "You're close enough."
"You're alright, too," I smirked and felt his fingers land on my chin. He guided my face to look at him.
I blinked a few times and just like that it happened again. He kissed me, like before only it felt more.......right.
Maybe it was what he said or what I said; possibly the entire situation giving us adrenaline.
I felt his hand run down my arm and hold my hand again and his other snaked behind my back, pulling me to him.
He started to move away, but something made me bring him back. I couldn't tell what it was, just a feeling.
He gently bit my lip and I let him go.
"So you can do that, but I can't?," I teased.
"Sounds right," he nodded and I laughed, "Please tell me you don't have school today."
"I do actually," I sighed, "And I should probably go back to the dorm and get some sleep."
"I wanna stay with you, though!," he whined.
"I don't think Bongcha unnie would like you anymore after that," I shook my head.
"And all six of them would kill me; no matter which dorm we stayed in," he smiled.
"Oh well," I slipped out of his arms and ran back up the street. I looked back and he was close behind me.
I got to our building and to the door before he caught up with me. He grabbed me and picked me up then sat me down behind him and went inside.
"That's not fair!," I shouted in a whisper.
"Why not?," he laughed and started up the stairs. I followed him until we got to their dorm.
"Bye," he hugged me.
"See you tomorrow night," I hugged him back, referring to the joined meeting we were supposed to have.
At that moment, the door opened behind him and Minhyuk stood there.
"Guys, I found him," he called back into the dorm. I froze as his hyung dragged him back inside.
Hyunsik slipped pass them to me, "Get out of here before something bad happens," he pushed me up the stairs, "Go!"
I tripped and grabbed the railing as he went back inside. I heard footsteps and looked up to see my unnies coming down the stairs.
"Aecha!," Chungae came down to me and pulled me back to my feet.
Sooyun hugged me, "We thought something happened to you!," she grabbed my shoulders, "Don't do that!"
"Unnie," Bongcha stopped her, "We need to be quiet and I'm sure she's okay. Plus she needs to sleep."
"You're right," Sooyun let me go and then stomped back up the stairs.
Chungae and Bongcha followed her with me behind all three of them. I looked back at the door until it was no longer in my sight,
We went in the dorm silently and back to bed with no sound.
I laid there for less than a minute before I went to sleep.

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