Chapter 2

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After our twenty minutes were up, we all gathered back in the main room.
Bongcha had seventeen, I had fifteen, Sooyun found fourteen, and Chungae thirteen.
We collected our won and were told that our companions were waiting outside the building.
We all dressed for the weather outside and then raced down the stairs and outside.
I got to Peniel after Sooyun grabbed Sungjae and pulled him down the street.
"Let's go, the first shop is really close," we started running and arrived in a few minutes.
"What do you have to get?," he asked as we went inside.
"This says 'Hard Candy' so I guess anything not soft," I laughed and started looking for the cheapest one.
"Okay," he did the same and we found a bag of candy for only thirty won.
After that, we went to a meat shop and bought chicken and pork.
The rest of my items were all marked 'Corner Supermarket' so we traveled there.
When we started finding everything, we came across a piece of paper that said 'Free: Buy What You Want'.
We debated for a while and decided to get two strawberry mini cakes.
We came out of the market and he kept staring at me.
"Something wrong?," I asked.
"No," he shook his head, "I was just thinking."
"About what?," I got a better grip on my shopping bags.
"I was trying to figure out why you asked me to come with you," he looked up at the sky.
"Ilhoon had already done enough for me today, if that's what you're asking," I sighed.
"He likes you. He wouldn't mind doing this, besides it could've been a good way for you to get closer," Peniel watched as it started to lightly snow.

We hurried back to the dorm and found Bongcha unnie and Eunkwang oppa waiting for everyone.
"What smells so good?," Bongcha came over to me.
"We got chicken," I smiled and glanced at Peniel.
"You did?!," she turned to the writer, "Please tell me we get to eat it."
She stayed silent and Ju unnie smiled at me as we sat our bags down.
"Are the other two almost back?," I asked and took my jacket off.
"Sooyun has one more thing to get and Chungae is on her way back," Bongcha followed me into our bedroom.
"Let's hope we do get to eat what we buy. Half of my stuff was sweets," I smiled and plugged my phone up to the charger.
"Really? Maybe we can sneak something; if we're not supposed to."
"I did," I opened my hand to reveal a couple pieces of candy and she took one.
We walked back into the living room area and sat next to our partner in crime.
Chungae unnie and Sooyun unnie came in and sat their shopping down then joined us.
"Congratulations girls and thank you boys for helping them. I was worried that our youngest would get lost," the writer smiled at me and I laughed.
"One time that happened," I defended myself and my unnies and oppas started laughing.
"Anyways," Ju unnie picked up where the writer left off, "With all of the things you bought, you'll have to survive the rest of this week without ordering out or going to restaurants."
"You know we can't cook," Chungae complained, "I'll starve before I eat another one of Sooyun unnie's burned omelets."
"I'm with her," Sooyun said, "It was disgusting."
I thought of something when I glanced at Peniel, "It'll be okay. It's a learning opportunity."
"Are you crazy?," Bongcha looked at me and I gave her my 'I've got a plan' face.
"Thanks for being optimistic," the writer, cameramen, and Ju unnie started to the door.
"Get this stuff in the fridge before it spoils!," our manager called and then the door shut.
We all stood up and grabbed a bag.
"So what's your plan?," Bongcha asked.
"Four of the seven are already here," I smiled and opened the refrigerator door.
"Them? We can't do that. They said we had to cook it ourselves," Chungae put a box of rice in the cabinet.
"No, they said no ordering out and no restaurants. There are no limits on friends," I turned to Eunkwang, "If you're okay with it. I mean, we'll still try, but if we need help."
"I think we can manage helping you out," he smiled and handed me the bag of candy I bought.
"Thank you," all four of us said in unison.
I turned to grab another bag and ran into Peniel, "Sorry oppa," I moved around him and picked up another shopping bag.

We finished putting things away and Bongcha had started to film with the camera.
The four BtoB members were about to leave when someone knocked on the door.
I moved around them and opened it.
Ilhoon was on the other side and he looked sort of angry.
"Hey, sorry we kept them so long," Chungae said handing Sungjae his jacket.
He walked pass me and everyone else to Peniel. I closed the door and slowly moved back to the group.
"Something wrong?," Peniel finished tieing his shoes.
"What do you think you're doing?," Ilhoon pushed him backwards.
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean!," he shouted.
"Ilhoon hyung," Sungjae put a hand on his shoulder.
He shrugged it off and before anyone could say anything, he punched Peniel.
I ran over to him as he stumbled back, holding his nose.
"What's wrong with you?!," I shouted at Ilhoon.
He gave me a blank stare and I turned back to Peniel. His nose was bleeding.
"Sooyun unnie get a towel or something," I moved his hand from his face and leaned his head back.
"Chungae can you get me some ice?," Bongcha came and sat next to me.
Sooyun came back with a towel and handed it to me. I held it to his face and he flinched, "Sorry."
I looked behind me and all of the boys except Ilhoon had left.
He was looking at his knuckles, which had a little bit of blood on them.
I grabbed Peniell's wrist and guided his hand to hold the towel. Chungae came back with a bag of ice and started holding that to his face as well.
I walked over to Ilhoon, "Take your shoes off."
"I-I didn't....I don't-"
"It's okay," I wiped a tear off his cheek, "Just take your shoes off and come with me."
He did as I said and his eyes grew wide when we passed his band mate.
I led him to the bathroom and started running the water in the sink. I pulled his hand under the flow and started to wash it.
"I can do this myself you know," I glanced at him in the mirror.
"You don't need to do anything else," I didn't mean for it to sound so hateful, but he did it for no reason.
"I'm sorry."
"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to," I turned the water off and handed him a towel.
"I mean for causing you girls so much trouble," he dried his hand, "In such a small amount of time."
"Just work on your jealousy problem," I pat his shoulder and went back out to check on the other one. My unnies were crowded around and it looked like they had it under control.
I turned around and crossed my arms, leaning against the door frame, "You're lucky Sooyun unnie wasn't filming and the camera crews left."
"Right," he stared at the floor, "D-Do you think I broke his nose?"
"I'm not a doctor, but you guys should take him to see one," I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, "I was going to ask him to give this to you, but your here now so.."
He took it from my hand and I left, going to our bedroom. I shut the door and went up to my bed.
The camera was laying there so I decided to watch what my unnies had done.
It started with Sooyun's dorm tour and the next video....was the conversation I had with Sooyun before our challenge started.
The door opened across the room and I looked up.
Ilhoon had the paper in his hand and he smiled, "I knew you'd crack."
I blushed and he laughed, "Shut up! I can always take it back," I pulled my knees to my chest and hid my face.
He stopped and I peeked at him from behind my legs. He started to climb the ladder, like always, but worst of all his face was serious.
That was the face I could never talk to, only stare at like a lost school girl. Technically for another two months, that's exactly what I am.
He stood where he normally did and I lifted my head up, my hair fell into my eyes, but I kept staring at him.
He reached out and brushed it behind my ear, "Even when you make me worried, you always know how to bring my happiness back."
I felt the blush on my cheeks grow stronger and I still couldn't talk. I blinked a few times, but he was still there.
I moved to support my weight with my hands and knees. I saw myself get closer to him until I closed my eyes.
I could feel his breath on my lips before I stopped and smirked, "You always know how to take my words away."
I moved back and picked up my book. I was halfway done with it so why not finish.
He climbed up to sit next to me, "You're so unfair."
"What do you mean?," I glanced at him.
"You can't just get that close and then.....just not," he put his hand over my book so I couldn't see.
"Oppa," I tried to push his hand away, but he was stronger. I looked at him, laughing, and our eyes met again. My laughter slowly faded and his smile would appear and then vanish again and again.
It was silent and he put his hand on my cheek, then launched forward, locking or lips.
I didn't push him away like my brain was shouting for me to. In fact, I kept it going.
He stopped when we heard footsteps.
Ilhoon sat with his back against the wall and I bit my lip.
What did I just do?
"Aecha, call Ju unnie because it won't stop. I think he needs stitches," Sooyun came into the doorway.
"You're kidding me," I picked up my phone and started scrolling through my contacts.
Ilhoon jumped down and ran into the main room.
I slowly came down and followed, listening to the sound notifing me I was calling Ju unnie's phone.
Peniel wasn't bleeding as bad, and I calmed down. Sooyun wasn't a doctor and neither was I, but he wouldn't need stitches. She probably got worried and wanted to make me be quicker with my actions.
Ilhoon must have seen that too and took a deep breath. I put my hand on his shoulder as Ju unnie finally answered.
"Yabo?," she laughed.
"Unnie, can you come and help us? Something happened."
"Did you burn the building down?," her laugh completely vanished.
"No, but Peniel was," I paused, "Had an accident."
"What did he do? Cut his finger off?"
"No unnie," I sighed, "I can't explain over the phone. Can you just please take him to a hospital, or call their manager to come get him?"
"I'll see what I can do," she hung up on me and I turned my phone off before shoving it in my back pocket.
"Is she coming?," Chungae asked, smirking.
"She's gonna do what she can," I glanced at Ilhoon, "What are you so happy about?"
"Oh nothing," Chungae unnie went back over to our resident's patient.
Ilhoon didn't say anything, he just stood there, staring at the mess he made.
I grabbed his wrist and led him over to the door. We put our shoes on and left the dorm, going down stairs pass their dorm.
We sat on the sidewalk outside in the cold, silence making it freezing.
I looked up at the sky and I felt his head lay on my shoulder.
"He must hate me now," he said, his voice scraggly and low.
"He's part of your family. He'll forgive you," I watched what would be a light coat of snow start to fall from the clouds.
"You don't hate me now, do you?," He looked up at me.
"Stop crying," I wiped tears off his cheeks, "It'll freeze to your face. And, no, I don't."
He stared at me for a while, "Then why didn't want me to come with you?"
"Aecha!," he whined and I blinked. He never called me by first name, ever. He always called me Tiger.
"Because I have reasons, oppa," I snuggled into my jacket and looked down at the concrete.
He wrapped his arms around me, "An answer in exchange for warmth?," he offered.
"Tch," I shook my head, "Because I was trying to tell myself I don't like you."
"But you do?"
"Yes, I do," I started to get warmer then looked at him, "And it's your fault."
He smiled, "How?"
"Don't make me say it," I covered my face as I started blushing.
"Please Tiger?," he laid his head on my shoulder again.
"I don't want to," I peeked through my fingers as a van rolled to a stop in front of us.
He let me go, but still smiled.
Their manager stepped out of the vehicle, "What'd happened this time?"
"He's in the girls' dorm," Ilhoon looked up at him from our spot on the ground.
"Okay. Get inside or you'll end up sick," he stepped pass us toward the building.
"Or we could go for a walk," he turned back to me and smiled.
"Oh, no," I stood up, "You're not luring me in with that."
"Tiger, come on," he followed me as I headed back towards the door to our building, "What else are we gonna do?"
"We could go with Peniel and make sure you didn't break his nose," I looked over my shoulder.
"What?," I faced forward and saw their manager, "You did this?," he led the other member around me.
"He didn't mean to," Peniel's voice was muffled as he held the towel to his face, "We were goofing off and he accidentally hit me."
"Oh," their manager calmed down a little, "That makes a big difference."
The other five boys came out of the building and stopped.
Sungjae looked at me then back to his hyungs, "We should get going."
"Yeah," Peniel agreed and they led him over to the van. Ilhoon walked with them and looked back at me before climbing into the parked automobile.

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