Currencies, Time Diffrences, and Gryffindor

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Allison Vianelli, the 16 year old girl with curly black hair and crystal blue eyes from Long Island, New York, which is in America, just arrives at her new boarding school, Wintergreen International, which is in Kent, which is in England.  

Allison traveled the go to school. But hey, at least she gets away from the douches in her old school.  


After about two minutes of walking, a boy walks up to her.  

"Hey there, love, need help with those?"  

He has short brown hair and very nice brown eyes and this insanely cute birthmark on his neck.  

"I guess. But I'm American, so if you call me babe or love I'm going to automatically assume we're dating." 

He laughs a little bit, picks up a bag, and introduces himself as a guy named Liam Payne who's 16 years old.  


Allison introduces herself because that would be the nice thing to do.  

"So, what do they call girls where you're from?" 

"Sexy, hot, I'd Tap That, I'd Fuck That, the girl with the nice ass, or the girl with the big boobs. I like what you call girls better." 

"Reminds me of my roommate. His name's Derek, and I never say this, but I HATE HIM." 

Allison laughs a little. "Does he wear Axe?" 

"Yes and he uses a ton of it and, I never say stuff like this, but he is such a douche." 

"He sounds like one. And you have to live with him. I'm sorry." 

"Oh...don't worry. My friends Zayn and Niall are right next door so I stay there a lot. But he's so annoying. He gets a new girl every hour...I just can't stand him!" 

"That must suck." 

"It does!" 

"I hope my roommate is nice. You see, we got a room in the random hallway with the boys and yeah." 

"We're in the same hall!" 

"You're kidding." 

"Nope! And my friends live there too, Niall, Zayn, Louis, and Harry. They're all real nice. You'd like them." 

"I think I would. This place reminds me of Hogwarts. When do I get sorted?" 

He laughs a bit. "You're in Gryffindor. With me." 

"Well I guess I should get your number." 

"That would be good." 

The two exchange phone numbers and continue walking to where Allison's room is, which the two of them nicknamed Gryffindor.

Liam really likes Allison. She's really nice to him and he got her number.  

And he got her number.  


But, Allison probably really likes him, too. She always has a smile on her face when she talks to him.

'Don't ask her out yet, Liam. It's the first day of school.'


When the two get to Allison's room, she flops down on the bed.  

"Tired?" He asks.  

"Yeah. Been a long day, I guess. I stayed at a hotel alone last night." 

"And how did that go for you?" 

"Pretty good. I don't understand the currency, though. I gave the guy US dollars but he gave me half my money back." 

"I'll teach you. Alright, so do you have a ten dollar bill on you?" He asks and sits on the bed.  

"I do."  

"Alright, may I see it?" 

"Sure." Allison says and hands him a ten dollar bill.  

"Alright, so if you gave me this, that's the same thing as this..." He says and pulls out a five pound note. " I'd have to give you that, because you just payed me 5. It's really just your money, but in half. So if you gave me 100 dollars, I'd have to give you 50 pounds in change. Our dollar bills are called pounds, and instead of an s with a line through it, the symbol looks like...paper?" 

Allison gives him paper and a pen and he draws this:


" it's really kind of a fancy looking L with a line through the middle." 

"So it's just dollars, but halfed?" 


"So I got it?" 

"You got it!" 

"I'm a genius?" 

"You're a genius!" 

Alison laughs a little. "God,'re amazing." 

"I try." 

"You succeed." 

He laughs. "You have any more questions?" 

"Teach me about the time difference...I don't understand that." 

"Okay. Where did you used to live in America?" 

"Long Island, New York." 

"Alright. So England is four hours ahead of New York. So if it was 12:00 PM in New York, it would be 4 PM here. You got that?" 

"I got it." 

"I'm going to test you on this now...just to make sure you understand." Liam says and Allison watches as he writes up some questions and then gives it to her.

1) how much would I give you in pounds if you gave me 50 dollars in US dollars?

£25, if my math serves me correctly.

2) if its 2 in the morning in England, what time is it in New York?

10 PM (if my maths right)

3) would you like to go to the movies on Saturday with me? Kind of like a feild trip...?

Sure :) if you loan me the money to pay with (I joke about the money)

Allison hands him back the paper and watches him. Hopefully, the 'would you like to go to the movies with me' wasn't a joke, because Allison likes Liam.  

Liam hands her back the paper and she looks over it.

Your math's good, don't worry :)

I'll pick you up...7:30-ish?

"7:30's good." Allison says with a smile.  

"7:30 it is." Liam replies with the same smile.  

'This is totally a date' they both think to themselves.

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