Adventures in Roommate Bonding.

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Harry got Taylor's number right before he left to go meet his roommate Louis.

Harry always gets to school earlier than Louis, and the both of them have no idea why. Louis always leaves earlier than Harry. Anyway, Louis always gets here around...


Right now.

"Hey, Lou!" Harry says as Louis enters and throws his bags on his bed.

"I'm not unpacking those 'till later. I'm lazy."

"Of course you are. And you don't even unpack. You throw everything on the floor."

Louis checks out his side with his arms folded across his chest. "You're no better."

"I know, I know. But at least I'm not lazy."

"True...very true things you say there, curls."

"Don't call me that." He says and throws a pillow at him, but Louis magically catches it.

"That will never happen again. That was pure magic outside of Hogwarts." Louis says, amazed that he caught it.

"I was never expecting it to happen again." Harry says as Louis throws it back and it takes down a lamp.

The two boys stare at it.

"Liam did it...?" Louis asks, biting his lip.

"Yeah Liam did it." Harry replies and they continue to stare at it and wonder if they're going to buy a new lamp or just be the lazy teenage boys they are and never buy a new lamp.


"Sooooo Taylor," Cerise says to the girl that's curled up her headboard of her bed on the right side of the room. "You and Harry, huh?"

"Um...Harry and I...uh..." Taylor replies, her face as red as the covers for the bed.

And that is a deep red.

50 Shades of Red.

The 50th shade of red.

"You like him, don't you?" Cerise says with a wink.

"Um...uh...he's..he's real nice..."

"I think he likes you tooooo..."

Taylor's green eyes grow wide in shock. No boys ever like her. Ever. "R-really? Y-you think he does?"

"I think he does! Have you SEEN the way he looks at you, girlfriend? Even when he found out you like Chelsea, which I LOVE about you, he still looks at you with that little bit o' love in his eyes..."

Taylor giggles. " like any boys?"

"I met this one boy. His name's Niall, he's Irish too, and he's pretty cute. Helped me find this Narnia, and my key, and I lose stuff a lot."

"Where do you keep yours?"

"Around my neck. You?"


"I always lose mine. And it's ugly. Won't go with anything."

"I can fix that." Taylor says and pulls out an entire case of nail polish.

"Okay, Taylor, babe, where the hell did you get all of that?"

Taylor shrugs. "Christmas, birthdays, leftover money from albums, and other stuff in between."

"That's a shitload of polish!"

"Give me your key and a pad of paper. This is going to look nice and match the school colors."

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