There's No Place Like Home

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As the taxi took Charlotte past London and through the winding roads of Yorkshire they eventually reached her grandmothers ancient cottage.

The cottage was small on the outside but she remembered it felt like a mansion on the inside. There was an upstairs to the cottage but it had a low ceiling which made it appear smaller than it actually felt.
The outside of the building was a dirty white with a luminous blue door which held a triangular bird house perched just above the frosted glass window.
The roof was a brown thatched colour but last time she came here it was more orange. At both ends of the roof there were chimneys, one real and one fake where her grandmother had a fire place taken out when she moved into the home. She had always thought of it as a great hiding place, perhaps she could hide from Taylor in there.

The taxi reached a holt and Charlotte stepped out. She breathed in the fresh country air and scanned around. Woodlands. She was stuck, isolated in a picture boom scene. She had never been so outside of civilisation and London city, she decided that she would take this opportunity to get ahead of her school work before summer ended since she would be moving schools for her final year of secondary school. Luckily her and Taylor would not be in the same year although they will be attending the same school which made Charlotte groan at the thought of having to spend almost 6 weeks with Taylor.

Charlotte manoeuvred steadily towards the front door, preparing to knock the knocker. Just before she did that a familiar face poked around the corner of the cottage, it was Tabitha the neighbourhood cat. Tabitha wriggled her way in and out of Charlottes legs, purring and asking for attention. Charlotte bent down and stroked the cat, her black fur was long and soft, her face looked up at Charlotte and she fell into her deep yellow eyes. They were kind and welcoming unlike a snakes which deterred you away.

'Ah there you are you little cat' said a voice that belonged to a boy no older she was. It was Taylor. 'Damn' thought Charlotte, she hadn't even knocked on the door and she had already come into contact with him.
'I'll go call Shesscintle and tell her you're here' he said to her as he ran off back around the corner. Not a second later he emerged again but this time with Charlotte's grandmother.

Her grandmother was pale just like Charlotte except she had silver, curly hair cut into a bob with a heavy fringe. Her beautiful blue eyes are hidden but become piercing and dangerous when you get on the wrong side of her. She wore a soft smile which would greet anyone and comfort them. Charlotte always remembered a hot chocolate aroma would follow her grandmother everywhere and it instantly made you feel warm and cosy.  Her grandmother stood with a slight crouch which resulted from her minor scoliosis and it made her appear more weak than she truly is.

'Hi Gram!' She said sweetly whilst standing back up from her crouched position smiling at her.
'Hello sweetie' said Shesscintle as she held her arms out towards Charlotte and quick walked over to her and brought her into a big hug.
'How are you dear?' She said sweetly as they released from the hug.
'I'm doing alright' she lied. 'How are things here, I can't wait to catch up with you Gram' she said enthusiastically wanting to get off topic before her grandmother could talk about her parents even though she knew they would end up having to talk about it sooner or later.
'Ah everything's amazing darling, let's help you unpack so your taxi can get away.' All three and of them walked on over to the car, Tabitha followed closely behind.

Together they lifted out all the boxes and belongings and brought them into the house.
Her grandmother thanked the taxi driver and he left leaving Charlotte stranded. It became real that she had genuinely left her house and would not be returning any time soon.
'Taylor will you please help Charlotte take those boxes up to her room, thank you sweetheart' she said out of breath as she pointed at the boxes and and walked into the living room. They grabbed a box each and proceeded to climb the steps.
'So' said Taylor trying to start a conversation Charlotte was not interested in. 'This is going to be different' he said eventually. Charlotte shrugged her shoulders, trying her best not to engage.
'I mean it was just me and Shesscintle but now you're here I'm guessing it's going to be odd.'
'I guess' said Charlotte quietly.
'Hey, can I call you Charles?' He asked her completely off topic and excitedly.
'What?' Said Charlotte a taken back and confused. 'I think I'll just stick with Charlotte thanks.' She said blatantly
'Eh, suit yourself' he shrugged and smirked.

They finally finished placing all the boxes in her bare room. She stood on cold oak wood floor which had a shiny polish lathered on top. In the centre of her room lay an old, withered rag rug which matched the wallpaper. The walls were a light grey colour with an accent wall covered in an ugly floral peeling wallpaper which if you blew on it it would gently flutter to the ground and disintegrate.

'It's gonna be weird living with a girl you know' said Taylor randomly yet normally.
'Uh, thanks...' Charlotte had never understood why Taylor was so un-normal.
'So what's in all these boxes anyway, it can't all be your clothes?' He said peeling up the loose flap to peak inside. Charlotte slammed it back down. 'It's not just clothes, it's room decor from my old room and random photos and keepsakes, so I would appreciate if you kept out of my stuff' she said sassily. Taylor gave her a face that said 'yeah well I knew that, Jees'.
Taylor walked over and plonked himself on Charlotte's bed.

'I've always wanted to know what it's like living in London, but I feel at this moment in time it's probably best I don't ask you.' He said slyly.

'You're right, but luckily for you I haven't had anyone to talk to for a while since my parents have gone so I'm willing to tell you that London is a hard place to live but I loved it.' She told him as she started to unpack certain belongings from her boxes and sort out her clothes into her only other piece of furniture, the wardrobe.

Taylor smiled at this response and proceeded to ask another question. 'Are you willing to come on a sort of mission with me?' He asked casually but Charlotte for-well knew that he wanted yes as an answer.

'What lame mission do you want to go on this time, if it's anything like last time I-'

'No, no. It's not the same as last time, that was just lame, this time it's a real mission.' He smiled and began to explain what he wanted to do.

'My friends have been saying that there's this man, in the woods, and he gives out cash prizes if you complete quests for him.' He said excitedly and enthusiastically.

'Really?' Said Charlotte in a sarcastic, disbelief tone.

'I'm not joking, my friends have got new watches, new phones and everything because of him!' he exclaimed with joy.

'So you just want a new phone?' said Charlotte scoffing at him.

'Well, yeah, who wouldn't. Plus it would help Shesscintle out to get a little extra cash now that you're living here' he added.

'if you're asking me to come with you because you're too scared to go on your own Taylor then I'm not interested' said Charlotte who was distracted trying to figure out where to hang some photgraphs.

'I am not scared!' pursuaded Taylor. 'I just thought you'd wanna come and get some cash' he shrugged again to her.

'No, I'm good here, not doing illegal "quests" for a random guy you've never even met or know exists' she told him whilst marking out spots for her photo frame to hang.

'Please' Taylor exaggerated the ending attempting to annoy Charlotte.

She put down her photos and turned to face Taylor. 'Okay, if i come, will you please stop bothering me all of the time and just give me some peace?' she offered.

'It's a deal' he reached out his hand to shake Charlottes. 'Tonight, we will be rich.'


hope you are liking Charlotte and Taylor's relationship so far :)

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