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Central City....
The young 10 year-old Barry Allen was getting himself ready for the school bus. In the past few weeks, Barry has been practicing all the day for the upcoming spelling contest in their school. He was so nervous about it but luckily his mother, Nora Allen, was there to cheer him up.

BARRY: I'm so nervous, mom. I should've practiced more often but I don't think I could do this.

NORA: Barry, don't say stuff like that. You've practiced as much as you could and I'm sure you'll be able to get first place at your spelling contest.

BARRY: But what if I get the first word wrong?

Nora warmly smiled at her son as she gently placed her palm on Barry's cheek.

NORA: Just slow down, take your time and you'll eventually find your answer.

BARRY: Okay. But don't you want to come with me?

NORA: Oh honey, I'd love to but your dad and I have work to do.

Barry frowned into sadness.

BARRY: Ok. Bye, mom.

NORA: Bye baby and good luck with your spelling contest!

Nora placed a warm kiss on Barry's forehead and hugged him tightly before he gets to school. She always knew how to cheer Barry up in the worst times.

As the school bus arrived in front of their house, Barry quickly entered the bus while Nora waved goodbye to her son.

Nora sighed as she went back inside their house where she encountered her husband, Henry Allen.

HENRY: Where's Barry?"

NORA: He's already on his way to school. It's probably best that we should do this without him here.

HENRY: Good. I don't want him to worry too much as well. I already signed the other papers now it's your turn.

Both Nora and Henry were secretly working on something that they didn't want Barry to worry too much since he was to young to understand. Henry handed Nora the divorce papers for her to sign.

The spelling contest shortly began with the students used their free time to practice. Every student had the chance recite in front of the judges as some of them spelled the words right but some wrong. It was now Barry's turn.

As the judge gave Barry the word to spell, he stopped for a moment to close his eyes and took a deep breath remembering what his mother said about slowing down and taking his time to relax until he find the courage to spell the word.

After all of the students finished reciting, the judges decided to announce this year's winner of the spelling contest. The students closed their eyes hoping that one of them would win.

The winner of the spelling contest was none other than BARRY ALLEN.

All the students cheered for Barry as the teacher awarded him a trophy for first place. This was the greatest day of Barry's life, or was it.

When Barry got back home, he saw something that he wasn't expecting. The were police officers and paramedics in his house.

BARRY: What's happening here? Where's my mom and dad?

He then saw two police officers holding his handcuffed father, Henry Allen.

HENRY: I'm telling you the truth! I didn't do it!

BARRY: Where are you taking my dad!

HENRY: Barry, don't go inside!

The police officers puts Henry in the backseat of a police car as they head to Iron Heights Prison.

Barry was so scared at the moment until a police detective, Darryl Frye, came up to the young boy.

DARRYL: You're Nora Allen's son. Barry, right?

BARRY: Officer, what's going on? Why are you arresting my dad and where's my mom.

DARRYL: Son, I need you to calm down alright? While you were still in school, something bad happened earlier.

BARRY: What do you mean, Officer?

DARRYL: (*sigh) I wish there was another way to say this but.... your mother is dead. She was killed by your father.

Barry dropped his jaw and widened his eyes in shock from the police officer said. He couldn't believe it. His mother dead? And his father killed her?

BARRY: What? No. It can't be true! You're lying! My dad would never do that!

DARRYL: I'm sorry, son. I wish this would've never happened.

Tears were beginning to shed from Barry's eyes and ran inside his house to see his mother.

DARRYL: Barry, wait!

BARRY: I didn't get to show mom my trophy!

Barry kept looking for his mother around the house until he found her, on the floor with knife stabbed on the chest.

Barry cried even more seeing his mother dead. Darryl went over to hug and comfort Barry.

DARRYL: Shh... it's okay, Barry. Just let it all out. I've got you.

BARRY: (*sobs) Mom.... she... she can't be gone.... and my dad.... he couldn't have done it.

DARRYL: Barry, I've known your mother for a long time. She was a good a friend and I know she was a good mom to you. I never expected this to happen.

BARRY: (*sobs) What's... gonna happen now?

DARRYL: I don't know but in the meantime, I'll watch over you from now on.

Darryl took off his police hat and placed it on Barry's head. It was that moment on that Darryl Frye officially became Barry's surrogate father.

To be continued....


Real Name:- DARRYL FRYE Occupation:- POLICE CAPTAIN Base of Operation:- CENTRAL CITYCharacter Bio:- Darryl Frye was a cop in Central City and Barry Allen's foster father after Nora Allen was murdered and Henry Allen convicted

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Real Name:
Base of Operation:
Character Bio:
- Darryl Frye was a cop in Central City and Barry Allen's foster father after Nora Allen was murdered and Henry Allen convicted. Not wanting Nora's child to grow up an orphan, Darryl raised Barry.
First Appearance:

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