Chapter 1: Always Late

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Author's note:
- Here's the very first chapter for you guys. Hope you guys like it and leave a comment on what you guys think. Thank you!

- Hope you spot some hidden EASTER EGGS.😉

17 Years Later, Present Day.....
It was another busy day for the Central City Police Department. The police officers putting the criminals in their cell, working on cases, or civilians filing a report.

Meanwhile at the forensics lab within the building, there was CSI Director David Singh and Forensic Scientist James Forest waiting for their late colleague to arrive.

SINGH: Forest, where the hell is Allen? He's 15 minutes late!

JAMES: Singh, calm down. Just wait for just a few minutes and I'm sure he'll get here.

SINGH: I'm counting on it. If he doesn't show up in the next few minutes, you're just going to continue the case without him.

Just a few seconds, the now 27 year-old Barry Allen arrived in the lab breathing heavily from all the running.

SINGH: Allen! Where the hell have you been!? You're 16 minutes late! Care to explain yourself.

BARRY: (*breathing heavily) I'm so sorry, Director Singh. I was....

SINGH: Mr. Allen. Before you answer, I would just like to remind you that your last excuse was a car trouble. Do you want to know why that was memorable?

BARRY: I do not own a car.

JAMES: Seriously, Barry? That was your excuse?

SINGH: (*sigh) Ok fine. Just do whatever you need to do and be ready in the courtroom.

BARRY: I'm sorry but... what courtroom?

SINGH: Don't you remember? You were suppose to testify for the Scudder case using the evidence you and forest found.

BARRY: Right that one! Don't worry, Director Singh. I'll gather all the evidence we found at the crime scene.

SINGH: Well you better be. Both Detective Spivot and Detective Heart have been working on the Scudder case for months so we better make sure he stays locked up in Iron Heights Prison.

David Singh head back to his office and focused on his own case-files while both Barry and James prepared all the evidence they needed for the courtroom.

A few hours in the Courthouse....
The courtroom was filled with ordinary civilians, reporters, and officers for the trial, including the suspect, Sam Scudder. There was Barry Allen presenting the scientific evidence to the judge and the people.

BARRY: We located and identified over two dozen trace fragments of glass ranging from point 25 to 0-1 millimeters on Mr. Scudder's clothes and hair. The fragment's chemical composition and refractive index measurements were identical to the one-way mirror that was shattered across the victim. It's a scientific fact.

Just a few minutes later, the judge finally made his decision.

JUDGE: Therefore, I hear by that Sam Scudder is guilty of burglary and murder.

As the judge stomped his wooden gavel, everyone in the room applauded that another suspect was brought to justice in the name of the law. The suspect, Sam Scudder, was angered that he slammed his fist on the table as police officers handcuffed him and prepared a transfer to Iron Heights Prison.

After the trial ended, both Barry and James exited the courtroom and decided to stop by at CC Jitters for a cup of coffee before heading back to the police department.

JAMES: Good job back there, Barry.

BARRY: You too, James. Scudder is going away for a VERY long time.

As they were walking downtown stairs, Barry was suddenly approached by one of the reporters inside the courtroom.

IRIS: Mr. Allen! Iris West and I'm a crime reporter for the Central City Citizens. Quite a show back in there earlier. Care for an interview?

Both Barry and James blankly stared at each other.

JAMES: Uh... you know what, Barry. I'll just meet you back at the precinct. I've got something to check on first.

Barry nodded in agreement as James left the area, leaving the two behind.

BARRY: Ms. West, I already said everything in the courtroom. Sam Scudder's case is closed.

IRIS: Actually, this isn't about the Scudder case. It's sort of about your mother's case. I know it's been 2 years since your father died in prison but are you still working on the case to convince your father's innocence?

BARRY: Iris, please. I don't talk about that case to anyone else. It's personal.

IRIS: I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. Look, I'm still new at this and I know I'm no Lois Lane. Not yet.

BARRY: And I'm no Superman either but it's fine, Ms. West. No harm done. Now will you excuse me, I have to get back to the crime lab.

With that said, Barry and Iris made there own separate ways.

To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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