Chapter 26

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The winds in northern Skyrimwere always strong, as powerful gales tugged at Serana's hair, and took vicious nips at her already cold cheeks. Instinctively, she pulled upher black leather hoodto protect her skin fromwind burn and the icysnowflakes. But the elements around her never succeeded, as the wind still whipped around her and water churned and splashed upagainst the boat.

Enden had taken the liberty to row the small boat all the way to the castle, even in his tired looking state.

Serana had taken note of his haunting features, he had dark circles ladened under his eyes, and it was obvious he was straining himself to stay awake.

It was even more impressive that he was still rowing, even against the sea's choppy currents, and the prevailing winds.

"Are we gettingcloser?" Enden shouted over the deafening winds. His voice sounded wary and she couldsee his arms were beginning to shake fromthe force he was exerting.

"We are almost to the shore." She responded, as she tried to stop water fromsplashed up into the boat.

Serana looked out over the edge of the dinghy, and to her relief she could finallysee sand down below the water. Whichonlymean one thing, theywere approaching the shore, and the castle. We're finallybackhome, she thought, morbidly.

Enden kept rowing, but Serana jumped out, and helped guide the dinghy tothe dock.

But once she left the boat, and the water was up to her knees, and she regretted her decision to get out. The sea water was sofrigid, it numbed her nerves and killed any feelings she had in her legs.

She quicklypulledthe boat along and tied it to the dockwith lightning speed, mostlyso she could speedily clamber out the water.

Enden finally crawled out of the boat andran his hands over his light brown, stubbly beard. He just sat there on the dock for a few seconds, it was obvious he was exhausted fromthe long tripoff Skyrim's shore.

"You lookquite tired." Serana stifled a laugh.

"What gave it away." Enden was desperately trying to catch his breath, as he looked up at her.

"I might have something that can help." Opening her knapsack, Serana wasted notime looking for a stamina potion.

Once she found one, she handed it toEnden, who examined the concoction suspiciously.

"Stop acting like I'm trying topoison you. It's just a stamina potion, it will give you some energy." Serana sighed.

Enden shrugged, "I was just making sure. I'm not much of an alchemist, so I don't really know what you're giving me."

Without anymore protest Enden uncorkedthe bottle and slammed the contents. After he was done drinking, Serana noticed Enden wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"That tastedlike the most repulsive apple. But I already feel like I have more energy." Enden pulled himself to his feet.

"You've never had a stamina potion before?" She couldn't help but feel shocked; he was a warrior after all.

"No..." Enden said defensively. "I never really had a use for one. I was in the Stormcloak army, and the armyis more about endurance than using all your strength in a short time."

"I didn't mean that to be rude. I was just surprised, warriors usuallyuse stamina potions."

Enden wastedno more time talking, and he walking straight past her.

One step forward, twosteps thought in frustration. No matter what she said or did for him, he always had to take it as an insult.

Serana watched Enden slowlywalktoward the Castle's bridge before stopping. The lookin his eyes was one of pure awe.

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