Chapter 12

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Panic rose in Arela, Harkon's close proximity was causing her to back up just for some space. Her meeting with Harkon had definitely not turned out the way she had expected, and now she was regretting stepping in front of him.

Arela felt her backsmash against the door behindher, but her fear elevated as he grabbed her face.

Harkon squeezed her cheeks in his hand, forcing Arela tofocus on his eyes; those golden eyes that were sofierce and dark. She couldn't break her gaze fromthem, theyhad her mesmerized, trapped in a dangerous and possibly unbreakable spell.

Arela struggled under his grip, she wasn't going to let himcontrol her, especiallynot without a fight. She thrashed under his grasp in a desperate attempt to regain her freedom.

Without warning, Harkon shoved himself against her, pinning her to the door. It shocked Arela, as an unintentional gasp escaped her lips. She could feel his body, fromevery perfectly etched muscle, to his slow heartbeat, and his rhythmic breaths beneath his extravagant armour.

"What do you thinkyou're doing?" Arela murmured; her voice sounded weak and slurredin her head.

"Listen to my words." Harkon said, his voice rushing intoher ears; twisting around in her disorganized thoughts.

Arela squirmed viciously fighting for just a few inches of personal space. But Harkon responded with a tightening grip on her face; he jerked her headto the right, his eyes burning intoher face, scrutinizing her appearance.

"You mayput on the faҫade that you're strong Arela, but I can see through it. I know you fear me. How ironic that most people here are terrified of you. But I can see you're weak, internally, of course. I can fix that though. When I'mdone with you, you won't feel pain, fear or powerless anymore." Harkon couldn't help but flash her a sinister look, displaying one of his pearly white fangs.

"But I want others to fear you; if theydon't already. You are worth showing off tothe court, youare similar to a trophy, Arela. The most powerful member I have collected inthousands of years." His words dug into her mind, striking fear in her heart. She didn't want tostopfeeling pain andfear. They were undesirable emotions, but those emotions made her feel human still, and if Arela had to cling tothemshe would.

Unexpectedly, Harkon pushed her out of his way, causing Arela to hit the wall behind the door. Bythe time she regained her balance Harkon had exited, and he had left Arela confused and slightly shaken.

Sinking to the floor, Arela felt powerless, as waves of shock washed over her. She had let Harkon dominate her, and she had been unable to stop him.

She had always felt soempowered by the Dragon Blood, but now realization washed over her, it meant nothing against people like Harkon.

Unless she was planning on killing Harkon, her Shouts were nothingbut a false strength; a strength she could add to her growing rѐsumѐ of odd gifts, such as her Nightingale Stealth, and her Vampire Lord abilities. And her odd gifts were what got her into this predicament. She was set so far apart fromthe average member, and that was why Harkon watched her carefully.

Just the thought of Harkon gave her suchmixed feelings; he thought of her as a damn trophy; as if she was some fancy swordhe couldbrandish about! Arela scowled madly, trying to fight the surfacing anger.

But at the same time she felt revered; Harkon's words had made her feel significant, and in the darkcorner of her mind she felt oddly desired byan untouchable man. A man everyone respected out of fear, but Arela couldn't find the strength to hate himlike Serana did.

Arela pulled herself up, shivering as the memory of Harkon reappeared. She collected the shattered fragments of herself off the floor, and now slowly she was putting everything backin place.

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