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Friday January 23rd / 11:56pm 🌞
Next morning / Baby shower 💕


"Sky I don't have a pink dress." Lucky said irritated throwing everything out her closet. "I shouldn't cry." She wiped her tears away.

"No baby don't cry." Sky said over FaceTime trying not to laugh. She was going to kill everybody for making her do all this. "What about white ? That would still match me."

"Okay I found white. I can do white." Lucky said smiling she pulled the perfect dress out her closet and went to lay it across her bed next to sleeping Ye' who didn't go home last night. "Im so happy I can help you."

"I'm so happy I can call you on last minute to help me. Once my makeup lady leave here she'll be on her way to you. How can I thank you enough?"

"Thank you and don't worry about it this is what friends are for." They blew each other kisses and ended the FaceTime call. "Okay bath."

"That was my sister ?" Ye' asked turning in his sleep getting back comfortable. "Where y'all going ?"

"Yeah she going to a business brunch and her girlfriend got sick last night and couldn't make it. So I told her I'll go with her so now I'm about to start getting ready because it's." She looked at the tv that had the news on. "12 and it start at 2:30."

"Okay have fun."

"Why you didn't go home last night ?"

"Because I didn't want to." He answered with his eyes still closed. He really was trying to go back to sleep because he wouldn't take him that long to get dressed. "I'm trying to sleep if you don't mind."

"Just asking your so rude. I'm going to take a bath and soon get ready."

"Wanna have sex again ?"

"Hell no had me throwing me up last night." She rolled her eyes getting everything she needed. "And Ryan gone again."

"Damn really ? With my mom ?"

"You knew that at this point that's her son." Ye' didn't say anything because he knew his aunt didn't never have kids because she was taking care of him. So she loved Ryan so much and he wouldn't let nobody stop that. "But I love their bond."

"Me too deep down inside I know they are so close at heart like he can't be without her and same her for."

"My point so it's nothing I can do but thank her." She said walking towards her bathroom. She started her water and got in soon it was filed up she took that time just to relax. Not over think just relax.

On the other side of town the friends of Lucky was running around the building setting up everything for Lucky last minute baby shower. Wouldn't nobody believe that Ye' texted him last night asking them to pull this off in less than five hours. 

The girls had on night clothes, hair wasn't done but they didn't care anything for Lucky. Sweetie and Zara even stop what they was doing and came to help. "No put that in the back sir." Cardi pointe to the back where Lucky and Ye' would be sitting.

M's was on the phone with the food people, Sky was on the phone with the cake people good thing Ye' had money because they just giving out then numbers to any and everybody. "It's going to be so pretty in here." Zara said sitting up the tables.

"I just want her happy you know ? She been through a lot." Zara nodded her head understanding she haven't been around a lot lately because she went back to school. "I don't want nobody starting anything."

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