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Every last comment I took into consideration on my last post. I be so happy with just one comment from everybody who read.

Took me forever to update because my birthday was April 29th 🥳😏


Friday, April 29th / 2:13pm


"She's calling again." Maya said picking up Ye' phone seeing it was lucky calling again. "She just want her kids Ye'"

Ye' was walking around his gray and black living room in his night clothes still patting Mezzy back so she could get ready for her 2:30pm nap. Ye' was trying to keep calm and not go off on his wife who didn't have anything to do with nothing so he through about his words first. "Our kids and when she become ready for them I'll pick up."

"It's been a little over a month how you know she's not ready for them ? You haven't even gave her a chance."

"Maya please."

She throws her hands in the air sitting back on the couch. She picked up the remote control and start ficking through the channels. Maya was at the point where she was becoming tired of it all. This what she asked god for but now she has it has been a lot. "I think ima go back to school for a year. Online classes are okay but sitting around all this drama is kinda irritating."

"Nobody told you leave school I never asked you to do online classes. You said you was staying here because you want a big wedding do you not want that ?"

"Of course I do but how long am I waiting for ? A few years ? You made shit happen for other people in no time but I have to wait ?"

"I never said you had to wait I said pick a date and you never gave me one. I have way to much going on to pick a date I have money doe. Pick one I'll pay."

"We'll see." She watched Ye' walk off to go lay Mezzy down for her nap. Ryan was in his room playing the game yelling at the tv.

When Ye' took his daughter that was the last time Lucky seen her. When Ryan came to Ye' house that weekend that we the last time she seen him. Lucky said she would take one week to get yourself together. You know let all the hurt go, work on herself get all that evil out her. It took a little longer but she wanted her kids back now.

The phone start ringing again, Maya was over the sound so she just picked it up not caning at this point. "Hello ?"

"Hm hello Maya ? Is Ye' around ?"

"He's laying Mezzy down for her nap hold on."

"Wait wait."

"Uhm yeah ?" Maya rolled her eyes she forgot but didn't forget.

"The way I handled myself that day was a bit out of my character I have never acted like that. One I was still hurt, I wanted everybody out but that wasn't a way a grown women act. I really apologize you are around my kids for a lifetime so I never want to go there with you again."

"I accepted your apologize I'm sorry how everything went down with me and so on. I have a lot of growing up to do but I understand and it's really okay."

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