so you think your slick

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nisha POV 

we was in the car and i looked over at y/n i dont know what she was thinking she she was smirking like crazy then it came to me her and prince was their alone now i tried not to think of none crazy that would make me woop this bishh a$$ 

nisha-so what yall do while i was gone 

y/n-nothing just chilled thats all 

i pulled up to this teen club and let her out the car 

y/n-u not coming 

nisha-no im tired (lying)

y/n-hold the hell up how do i suppose to get back home 

nisha-idk and idc find a way

i locked my door and drove back down to princeton house i got out the car and walked upstairs to his room 

princeton-damn why you back already 

nisha-what did you do with that girl 


nisha-dont lie to me 

princeton-look i got caught up it was nothing damn 

nisha-ok since it was so called nothin im leaving and dont expect me to come back 

princeton-ion know why you tripping when you always at that damn nigga jaden house 

nisha-so fucking what hes my friend i can do whatever i wanna do 

princeton-then see you later 

nisha-im not coming back 

i grabbed all my belongings and put them in my car and drove down to a hotel i was so bored here i walked in the hallway down to lobby i went to the vending machine and grabbed a bag of chips i turned around somebody bumped me making me fall 

nisha-shit next time get out the way 

he came over and helped me up 

boy-im sorry i didnt see you 

nisha-then next time look 

i began walking backupstairs to my room he was following me i was looking for my keys out of my purse i just had that damn key 

boy-oh and btw im jacob 

nisha-ok im nisha 

jacob-what are you doing here 

nisha-getting a break from certain  people 

jacob-who ur boyfriend 

nisha-ex bf you can say 

jacob-how about we go to the arcade or something 

nisha-wait are u a kidnapper or something 

jacob-what im only 18 aint nobody got time for that 

nisha-ok i guess 

we got in his car and drove to playland arcade i liked going their it was fun he beat me in almost everything we played but he was real cute and so fun to hang out with i didnt even think about princeton the whole time before we left he bought us some cotton candy we got mcdonalds and went to his hotel room 

jacob-you should stay in here tonight 

nisha-why i dont know you 

jacob-because we just hung out for freaking hours and plus why would u wanna be alone 

nisha-maybe i wanna be alone 

jacob-well im not letting you leave 

he went over and locked the door and took his shoes off i sat my shoes next to the bed and tied my hair up my phone started ringing and he get it off the charger oh shit dont let it be prince he ut it on speaker 


princeton-who tf is this 

jacob-who u so concerned 

princeton-cause this my girl phone 

jacob-but she said she not your girl anymore 

princeton-put nisha on the phone 

he gave me the phone i just hung it up im so tired of princeton i swear i laid down on the bed on my top and he laid down next to me 

jacob- you ok 

nisha-yeah im ok 

jacob-u know we all aint the same 

nisha-then one of you need to prove me wrong cause so far yall are 

he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him he placed a gentle kiss on my cheek he was just so sweet i drifted off to sleep 

princeton POV (next day)

i called her and texted her the whole night she still wont answer i know i dont like jaden or whatever but i needed his help nisha think she could just leave me hell nah she not going no where i walked to his house and knocked on the front door 

jaden-ugh why are u here 

princeton-its about nisha 

he moved out the way and i sat on the couch 

jaden-so what stupid thing did you do now 

princeton-she left 

jaden-so idk where she at 

princeton-just do me this one favor and call her to see where she at 

he got his cell phone and called her he put it on speker sh was at a hotel we got in my car and drove down their i saw her car parked out front i went into the lobby and walked straight up the steps jaden followed 

lady-you two have to sign in first 

we ignored her i knocked on nisha room door she opened it shocked 

nisha-why are you here 

princeton-lets go 

nisha-im not leaving 

jaden-nisha just go with him please 

nisha-jaden i cant believe u would tell him i was him me and u were suppose to be friends not you and him 

A/N need time to think but vote and comment any errors or mistakes sorry 

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