Part 10

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Princeton pov 

I got off the bed in the morning I didn’t see Nisha I bet she left me I grabbed me some clothes then got in the shower after I got dressed I slipped my shoes on I grabbed my book bag and my car keys I waked to my locker I looked down the hall I saw Nisha talking to that boy when tf did he start going to our school I grabbed some books then closed my locker

“Aye prince come here for a second” I heard y/n calling me I walked over to her locker 

“What is it?”

“Be my lab partner for science”


“Because roc isn’t here I don’t wanna be alone”

I just stared at her for a minute

“I’m already Nisha partner doe”

“To me it looks like she’s laughing up a storm with the new kid”

“Alrite fine” 

Nisha and Jacob was sitting right behind me and y/n it was awkward as hell I turned my stool a little bit so that I can watch them to 


I heard Nisha say

“Yeah babe” 

“I wasn’t talking to you Princeton I was talking to him”

Ugh why his name gotta be Jacob to I started mixing the stuff for our experiment I wanted to leave so bad just let this bell ring when it did I helped y/n clean up the counter I saw Nisha walking into the girls bathroom I followed behind her and locked the door she stood at the mirror 

“What are you doing in here?”

“We need to talk”

I heard somebody banging on the door

“What the hell I gotta pee” she yelled through the door 

“Use the bathroom down the hall” I yelled back at her 

“Prince what is it”

“What’s up with you and him?”

“Nothing he’s my friend you’re the one who wanted to be partnered up with y/n so I asked Jacob to work with me”

“Maybe if he wasn’t at Ur locker earlier telling you jokes an shit this would never happened”

“He wasn’t telling me jokes’’

‘’then what was so damn funny’’

‘’just mind Ur business and go be with y/n”

She unlocked the door and tried to leave but I pushed it flat I stood with my back against it 

“Move out the way I gotta go”

“You need to stop with the attitude”

“I don’t have an attitude”

“Then why u yelling at me”

I heard the five minute passing period bell ring she just rolled her eyes at me I guess we both go miss class then 

“Prince were late”

“So what it doesn’t matter?”

“Say sorry to me”

“What I do”

“Choosing to be that bitch partner when u were mine first”

She was exactly serious she just waited for me to say it

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