some special for his birthday

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Happy birthday to you ray ray enjoy your day I swear you boys grow up so fast but turn-up to the fullest bae <3

India pov 

I laid across the bed it was early in the morning tomorrow was ray birthday I don’t even know if I wanna spend it with him especially when he’s been cheating on me with that slut whatever her name is but he swear he stopped I don’t know if I could trust him I walked down to the kitchen and sat at the kitchen counter he came down an wrapped his arms around me an laid his head on my shoulder 

“Good morning baby”he said pecking me on the lips 

“Good morning” 

“You ok it seem like some on your mind”

“No im ok”

“you sure”

“yeah im sure”

I watched as he started taking out food to cook breakfast with boys they always act so innocent sometimes you just don’t know what to do I tried to get the thoughts out my hand I had to figure out what I was gonna do for his birthday I sat there in silence just thinking about things that maybe he would like throwing a party no everybody always do that maybe just me and him something a little special I walked upstairs to an went in roc room he was sitting on the bed

“I need help”

“with what” he said not even looking at me his face was glued to his phone like whatever he was looking at he couldn’t take his eyes off for a few seconds 

“Can you pay attention for 60 seconds?”

“Don’t make me start counting”

“Ok not 60 seconds but still what should I do for ray for his birthday”

“You really ask me out of all people”

“Roc im serious please help me”

“Um I don’t know buy him something why I gotta help you ray aint my man”

“Ugh you’re really no help punk ass”

“Just get the stepping out this room”

“Gladly you don’t gotta ask me twice” 

He’s so stupid I walked out the room and went to get dressed I slipped some clothes on really quick then I grabbed my car keys 

“Baby I’ll be back later” I yelled screaming from the living room 

“Alrite call me doe”

I got in my car and drove down to the mall yes im going by myself nobody else is really any help I got on the express way cause the streets were crowded with traffic I went in every store trying to find something he would like I went downstairs to the jewelry department

“Yes how can I help you?”

“I want a chain”

“Any specific words you want on it”

“Yes can you put India loves ray on it and give me that gold and silver diamond watch to match it please”

“Nice choice anything else”

“No that’s it”

When he rung up the price it blew my damn mind ray betta be lucky im an easy forgiver I payed for it in cash I waited there for a hour until the chain was ready he wrapped both of them in a nice black and gold case it looked really dope I put the case in my purse and walked into footlocker to get him some Jordan’s then into Victoria secret an bought a lil lingerie *smirks* after that I went and got reservations for him an only me to have dinner everything just had to be perfect when I got back home it was 5 in the afternoon I took the things upstairs to our room 

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