The Sealing

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A/N: Sorry for short chapter. Hope you enjoy :)


Naruto reluctantly re-entered the Hokage Tower. He made his way back to Tsunade's Office. He once again knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Naruto breathed in and out. He smiled. It faltered. He smiled again. He tried to make it as bright as possible. He opened the door.

"Ohayo baa-chan-" Naruto stopped talking when he saw the intensity of Tsunade's glare.

"Naruto Uzumaki," snarled Tsunade. Naruto pressed on. He kept up his bright smile.


Tsunade stood up and walked slowly over to Naruto. She stopped in front of him for a second.

Tsunade slapped Naruto ferociously. A loud smack was heard throughout the building. Naruto's face almost went flying off his body. His legs struggled to keep upright. The only part of Naruto that moved was his head which flung to the right. Naruto fought the harsh urge to throw up. She had put almost everything behind that.

"Demon," she hissed. She pulled his headband off his head viciously. She slowly returned to her desk, still glaring at the frozen Naruto. She watched the boy for a second before smirking to herself, "I have a message for you," Naruto did not move. He couldn't. His mind was taking a minute to catch up.

'T-that hurt,' Naruto thought to himself, 'That... really... really... hurt.'

"It's almost humorous to me how you managed to swindle your way into becoming a shinobi," Tsunade said, hate instilled in her voice, "You almost managed to fool even me. But I see you for what you are, demon."

'Demon... I guess that's what she calls me now. Just like all the rest of them,' Naruto wanted to break down and cry. Was this just because he sat in the Hokage's Chair yesterday?

"I've come to my decision demon," Tsunade announced, a smile dancing on her lips, "I know what to do with you."

Naruto with expert precision slowly moved his head back to where it had been before. He hadn't been able to move any other part of his body.

"I can see now that the only reason you've been able to trick people in giving you this much freedom is because of the lack of seals on you. You're not going to be allowed to walk around with this freedom for much longer. I've organised some shinobi to seal your chakra," she smiled. Behind Naruto, two ANBU appeared and grabbed him. He didn't have the strength to resist, "Take the demon away. I don't want to see him again."

Naruto allowed himself to be pulled harshly by the two ANBU agents into the depths of Konoha. He was brought down and down through seemingly endless dirty chambers until they reached what Naruto had assumed to be very bottom. He was placed in a wide room with a small operating table in the middle. It was dirty and wet. The whole room was black. Out of the shadows emerged some other ninjas. Naruto was thrown onto the floor and the ANBU disappeared. Before Naruto could pull himself up, two sets of hands grabbed him and brought him onto the operating table. He was strapped down and his shirt was pulled off him. The ninja surrounding him once again stepped back into the darkness. Naruto looked around.

"Help!" he called out. His voice came out a lot quieter and hoarser than he had expected. His ears pricked up when he heard some nearby footsteps, "Help!" he screamed again. The footsteps got closer. Shizune appeared from the darkness, Tonton in her arms. The small pig was shivering in fear and upon seeing Naruto hopped out of Shizune's grasp and ran up to him.

"Shizune-nee!" Naruto yelled out in relief. Shizune walked over to him with the same look on her face as Tsunade. Again, Naruto was slapped. She pulled Tonton back into her arms. He squealed in protest.

"Silence, creature," she said, scorn in her voice, "I am here only because I have to be. It is law, even for demons, that all seals have to be documented," she turned to the seemingly invisible ninjas in the darkness, "You may begin."

They returned out of the darkness. Shizune read out a document she held in her hands, "Naruto Uzumaki will be receiving 4 seals by order of the Lady Hokage. These seals will be: the chakra removal seal, the chakra suppressant seal, the advanced jinchuuriki re-seal and the chakra binding seal."

After finishing her reading, Shizune left the room. Naruto was left in darkness.

Naruto slumped down on his bed. He was... so tired. He was in that sealing chamber for the past 4 days. The sunlight had almost blinded him. By the time they were finished, Naruto didn't even have the energy to walk home. He had to be pulled along by an ANBU agent. Naruto's whole body felt stiff. He sat motionless with his eyes open. The silence surrounding him was deafening. All he had heard had been his screams. That was constant throughout his whole consciousness. The sealing process was painful, more painful than anything Naruto could've imagined. Naruto's definition of pain wasn't light either. He had once had his stomach sliced into and left to get infected when he was only 7 years old. Naruto had repeatedly suffered from abuse for his whole life. Naruto was injured regularly as a ninja. But none of that even compared to this. It was like he was being burnt alive but inside out. His blood was on fire. His body was on fire. He was constantly being stabbed through the most painful areas to 'change chakra flow'. Naruto's stomach had been cut open and had utensils fiddle around with his internal organs whilst he was conscious. He was branded multiple times, 5 to be exact. Every breath felt like it would be his last. Naruto was incredibly surprised that when he first looked at a mirror, his face seemed to be mostly normal if not slightly paler. Naruto fell down onto his bed. He couldn't resist sleep any more. He felt like he could sleep forever.

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