I Win

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Sasuke sat by his desk in anticipation. The room was dark; the curtains closed with everything arranged in perfect order and symmetry. In the centre sat Sasuke with his arms leaning against the desk: fingers intertwined and covering his face exactly how he did all those years ago when Team 7 was first formed. He knew he would be here soon. All he had to do was wait.

Sasuke did not move a muscle when he heard the small knock on the door. Neither did he when the door slowly creaked open and a figure calmly walked in. The figure carefully shut the door behind him creating only the tiny sound of the door locking. His movements were slow and seemed insane to Sasuke. After shutting the door, Naruto leaned against the wall, focusing on it for an unneeded amount of time before quickly dismissing it and turning his attention to Sasuke. He strode toward the desk and picked up the chair that stood in front of it, opposite the Hokage. He moved it to the right and slightly back, ruining the symmetry of the room. Sasuke still did not react but only monitored Naruto's movements with his dark, shadow-y eyes. Naruto sat down and crossed his legs, letting out a small noise as he got comfortable in his chair. There was an awkward silence as the two sat staring at each other. Sasuke hid his expression behind his hand whilst Naruto wore an unnerving grin. Naruto eventually moved first, leaning slightly forward and exhaling. Sasuke almost smirked. He knew that if he waited Naruto would be forced to talk first: his impatience was an easy to exploit weakness.

"So..." Naruto began, "How did you do it?"

The grin on the blonde's face put Sasuke in a state of unease although he would never admit it. He finally put his hands down, revealing his calm face.

"Is that the question you really want to know?" replied Sasuke.

"Yes," said Naruto quickly, "Yes it is. Simply because I just can't- I can't- figure how the hell you did it!" Naruto's hand slightly spazzed in time with the emphasis of each of his words. Sasuke allowed a little smirk on his face and chuckled.

"It really was quite easy," he taunted. He took a quick glance at Naruto. He still wore that same grin. What did he know that Sasuke didn't? It was beginning to make him angry now.

"Do enlighten me," said Naruto.

"Why do you want to know?" questioned Sasuke after a moment's deliberation.

"I just want to know how," Naruto again replied quickly, wishing to get to the real important information.

"But don't you-"

"I don't care!" Naruto's shout almost made Sasuke jump. He knew Naruto was unstable especially after... everything, but he didn't know how quickly his mood could swing. Only a second passed after his strange outburst before Naruto's same grin returned. Sasuke conceded.

"Alright. I'll tell you." Sasuke picked up his small cup next to him and took a long sip, "Ah." He then looked back up at Naruto who was staring at him with eager eyes.

"Well it all started when I first met Orochimaru. Immediately I knew the power that he held but at first I resisted against his curse mark. How foolish of me," Sasuke chuckled at his own hubris, "I could've done this all a lot sooner but I guess... it doesn't matter in the end. I still win." He caught Naruto's wince at his words, "You know what happens after that. I slowly crave the power, I go off to train under Orochimaru and then we have our little battle." Sasuke was now smiling sinisterly at Naruto. He couldn't help it at this point. He had bottled it all up until now. Secretly he had always wished he could tell it to somehow; to see their reaction. "After that I leave you and go off to Orochimaru," Naruto was following so far. None of this was new information, "But then I realised something." Naruto looked up, "Orochimaru... was not as strong as I first thought. In fact... he was so weak that after I used him to exemplify my own strength, I killed both him and Kabuto. But not after taking one last thing. One last jutsu." Sasuke paused for dramatic effect.

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