Part 8 : Ayoko

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"She maybe thought I helped her for money......It's better to forget it......"

So one is talking...I'm the only one. I can't call Azumi because he's busy with his training.

Maybe I should start writing my unfinished novel. I'm a member of the literature club and participating in a competition. I don't know if my novel will win.

Actually I don't write for winning or losing.
It's kind of fun. We can put our feelings into it without saying.

Alarm ringing.......

"It's already 6 am? Another busy day of my life starts....."

"I'm going."

The school is noisy as always. But I like it.

"Yo,Rei,are you daydreaming?"

"Oh,hi,how are you?"

"I'm good. Are you sick?"

"No,who told you that?"

"I thought you are sick.hahaha"

"Okay,let's go to the class."

.......... ...........

Class ended soon.

"Azumi, don't you have training today?"

"Yeah, I've to go for training. Training is so tiring...... I want to go home."

"Hahaha. Ok,bye then,see you tomorrow."

"Ok. Bye.....(sigh)"
....... ........

Someone is standing right in front of school gate. And Maybe.... I know who is she....! I pretended like no one is there and started walking.

"Hey! Didn't you saw I'm here?"

I didn't answered her.

"Hello!!! Why didn't you take the money?

"How many times do I've to tell you? I didn't helped you for money !"

"Doesn't people help those who have money? It's common,right?"

"Yeah,it's common but I'm not that kind of person who helps people for money! Okay then, bye!"


"What are you saying?"

" saving me. Bye!!!"

What is wrong with that girl? After saying thank you she ran from there.....

Ayoko's thoughts...

"So embarrassing!!! I never thanked anyone.....but why did I thanked him anyway? And why I want to talk with him? Even though I don't like that boy.....don't tell me it's...."

................ ................

"Good morning,senpai."

"Oh,good morning,Rin. Long time no see... How are you?"

"I'm good. I'm busy with my club activities."

"Which club are you in?"

"Swimming. We have a competition after some months. So,I'm busy practising.."

"I see."

"By the way,senpai,do you know our schools cultural festival is coming soon?"

"I haven't heard about it. Are you waiting for it?"

"Yes! Our class will do a haunted cafe."

What? A haunted cafe? Are you serious?

"Isn't it great,senpai?"

"Ye...yeah...It's cool."

Ayoko's mind...

"What are they talking about? That junior girl always stay with Rei. I don't know why? But they both looking great together...don't worry I'll also try my best...Good luck Ayoko."

.......... .........

"Bye,senpai,my class will start soon."


Really? A haunted cafe? Such a bad idea......

"Hello! Rei."

" scared me!"

"Sorry. How are you?"

Wait...why is she being so nice?

"I'm fine but are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm okay. Why did you asked that?"

"No. I just thought that...bye."

Ayoko's mind....

What?!! He didn't even talked for a bit! All the boys here in school likes me but they are scared to confess me....wait!! maybe he is also scared...tomorrow I'll show you how cute I'm!

....... .......

Today something unusual happened...Ayoko is so different today! I couldn't recognize her...
She was talking with others so friendly!

"Good morning,Rei."

What!! Everyone was staring at me with a vicious eye...specially the boys..... should I say something? Maybe no....

Ayoko's mind....

Huh? Huhhhhh? He didn't even said "good morning". Am I that scary? But other people are talking with me....

....... .......

Yes,now I'm sure. Something is wrong with that girl.


"Oh, Azumi, how are you?"

"I'm fine. Our competition is tomorrow. Don't forget to come,okay?"

"Of course,I'll come."

"Rei,did you saw Ayoko today? She was so beautiful!!"

"Yeah, I saw her. She said good morning to me."


"Yes but why are you screaming?"

"Sorry...It's just I was shocked that she talked with you."

"Forget about her. Let's go home together."


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