Chapter 3

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Lauren woke up the next morning to find her phone buzzing. Her mom. What the hell did she want? She picked it up and her mum was already shouting. But not at Lauren.


"Mom. What do you want? It's early and to be honest, the last thing I want to hear right now it you screaming your God damn head off!"

"Lauren be quiet. You have no right to speak to me like that. Where are you? Are you still at your friends house or did they get bored of you aswell?"

"No mother. I am not at my friends house but I chose to leave. I'm in a hotel." Lauren argued back.

"Such a money waster. Why can't you be more like..."


"Lauren. I never said I hate you. Hate is a strong word and you know how I feel about this. I care because if people find out that my daughter is randomly loitering around chicago ..."

"It will ruin your reputaion. Well here's an idea; how about you just pretend I don't exist. It will work for both of us. Goodbye mother." Lauren hung up. Tears were streaming down her face rapidly. Why was she never good enough for her own mother? What else was she supposed to do? Lauren pulled out Joe's number from the hoodie pocket and stared at it for a while before finally deciding to call him.

"Hi who is this?" A sleepy joe answered.

"Joe." She whispered through tears.

"Its me lauren, are you around?"

"Are you alright? Where are you I'll drive over and pick you up." Lauren shakily spoke the hotel name and he was there within seconds. She heard a light knock on the door and went over to let him in. He opened his arms up as Lauren sighed in relief and hugged him. After a little while, lauren was packed up and in Joe's car. He had said she could stay at his for a while and they agreed that it would be better to talk about what had happened in a more familiar environment. They got in and sat on the couch as joe hesitantly put a comforting arm around Laurens small frame.

"So what's happend?" Joe asked tenderly. Lauren told joe about her mom and how she was always compared to her older sister and never felt a lot of love towards either of her parents. Then about the phoning this morning.

"I'm sorry I called you joe, I really hope I'm not being inconvenient or anything - I can go if you want. I really don't mind."

"Don't even think about going anywhere. Look, I know that we don't know each other very well...or at least we haven't for a while...but I care about you. So of course its not inconvenient. I left you my number for a reason, Lo." Laurens ears pricked and a sudden shot of panic and excitement filled her.

"Did you just call me Lo?"

"Um I think so... Sorry, it just sort of came naturally." Lauren smiled. Maybe he slightly remembered her. Just maybe.

"No ones called me that since university. I still like it you know." Joe felt as if he was unraveling something. A memory maybe? It felt so normal to call lauren 'lo', he didn't even think about it. Lauren on the other hand was half delighted and half terrified. Joe clearly knew that they must have known each other pretty well. He said so himself but what if he remembered everything? Then what would happen? Lauren was wondering if she should wait for him to remember something or if she should just talk to him about it? She opened her mouth without thinking.

"Do you remember me from Michigan Joe?" He looked up and a little startled.

"You know... I really don't know. Please don't think I'm weird or anything but when ever I'm with you, I have strange flashback type things. And there's someone...someone who looks just like you in a club or..or a bar...a bar! And its the exact same one that...oh my god. Okay I think I've cracked something and I need you to help and be really honest okay?" Lauren nodded with wide eyes. This could be the moment.

"You know how I said my friend Brian had liked Meredith for a year and at that bar we thought they would hit it off? Well I think you might have been there with me. Do you remember any if that?"  Lauren tensed up. She could easily lie...but joe looked so excited about this...but if he found out she had being goes nothing. She nodded.

"I do remember that. Do you? As in do you actually remember what went on that night?" Pain was seeping through lauren eyes as joe studied them carefully.

"I'm afraid I don't. The only thing I remember is dancing with a girl who I guess was you. Why? What happened and why weren't we in touch after that?" Joe was a little worried but mainly curious. He found it irritating that he couldn't remember anything. He must have been drunk.

"Joe - what I'm about to tell you is the reason why we didn't talk again. I know I should have told you earlier and I'm really sorry. Okay well at the bar, obviously we both got pretty drunk. Back then, we had feelings for each other and we both knew it. I don't remember very much of what happened after dancing and flirting but all I remember is being with you throughout the entire night. Nobody else. Then about a month later I found out...I was pregnant. I was really scared and I knew we must have done something that night because I rarely got drunk and hadn't done it with anyone. I didn't tell you. Instead I just moved out to Chicago after i got it aborted and lost contact with most people. I was so ashamed. I..I'm just so sorry Joe." Although he felt a little sick at the shocking news, Joe gave Lauren a tiny smile as small tears grew in his eyes. Laurens were streaming down her cheeks again. He gently wiped them away this his thumb.

"Lauren, please don't be sorry. It's my fault, if I hadn't have gotten so drunk then maybe none of this would have happened and we would both be okay. More importantly, you would be okay and you wouldn't have had to worry about a baby when you're so young. I understand why you didn't want contact with me or anyone else and I'm not angry. I also understand if you still don't want to talk to me." He looked down and the floor, still in a little bit of shock but pleased that he wasn't making everything up in his head. Lauren stayed quiet for a second. He was right - she didn't want him in her life. Fair enough, she had to go through hell and it was his fault. She deserved a better life. Just then, Lauren shook her head.

"Joe, I knew who you were the second you pick me up on the icy path. If I didn't want to know you, I would have lied about my ankle or my home just to get away. I wouldn't have called you. Everything deserves a second chance in life. Why not use this as a fresh start? New place, new lives. I didn't agree to stay for no reason you know." Joe's smile grew wide as he pulled lauren towards him.

"Thank you. I won't let you down this time Lauren. I promise." He promised. She smiled and buried herself in his shirt. Did this mean they were just friends again or were they something...more? Lauren was tempted to ask but this was way to new and she didn't want to jeopardize anything before it had even begun. Joe set up the sofa bed in his room for lauren and they both got ready for bed.

"Thank you again for this joe. It's so nice of you." Joe smiled at her.

"No trouble at all. What better way to start fresh than a sleepover!" He joked. Lauren giggled and wrapped herself up in the duvets.

"Good night." She yawned.

"Sweet dreams, Lo." He replied as the lights went off.

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